Initially the reason they're there is because Star Wars is a Space Opera, which is an sub-genre that mixes sci-fi with fantasy to include magic-like elements and fantasy-like story plots.
Lightsabers were also meant to be the de-facto weapon, with early concept art showing stormtroopers (including light shields),

Unlike what some have said, nothing is getting a "pass", per se. Basically, if it's not in any of the movies or the new Rebels, then it's non-canon until media in the new EU confirms every detail.

Correction to the article:

In my book, your words and thoughts recorded here scream more femininity than any physical body every can. Femininity or masculinity grows in the mind and exits through words and action, not the shape of the body from which they emerge.

Having survived the first Sharknado in a parallel universe, a sexy vampire-zombie hybrid Cinderella armed with a steam-powered crossbow, returns to her childhood home with a vengeance only to find that her step-mother was a pedophilic mermaid all along. And as she suddenly aborts a child she didn't know she was

I predict a lot of girls screaming in your future. Unfortunately it's not in a sexy way, but instead they're all tweens trying to bludgeon each other over which main character is hotter.

2 thoughts come to mind.

I'm gonna skip the nerdy shock of encountering someone not having watched Farscape and just leave you with this: Season 4 has, by far, an episode that is the absolute best and most thought-provoking sci-fi story on TV, since the combined mind-blowing of the original 1959 Twilight Zone series. Farscape is delightfully

True. But my list wasn't evidence that her transformation is "just to look sexy". It's evidence that she's likely winging it and claiming loftier motives, which opens the very real possibility that she doing it for reasons not very lofty.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I will be the first admit that i don't know much about her, as i don't follow pop culture. What i have read mainly revolves around her choices and claims in life, which are all staggeringly contradictory and profusely confusing.

Ok. ^_^

I'm unsure what your arguing for here.

And i hope it never will be. But when anyone changes themselves to become sexier in the eyes of others, it would make little sense to base a comment on their choice on their possible math skills, badminton prowess or pretty much anything unrelated to the initial motive.

I will be applauding her fight to be the individual she most desires, while i walk backwards into my spaceship to leave this world for good.

Let me be among the first men to say: Who the hell would want to have sex with a Barbie doll?

Which would make no sense, as the lowest ribs offers no widening of the torso unless removed alongside the 3rd lowest ribs. This in turn would be an immense painful, expensive and risky operation, with no tangible visual benefit and at least 6 months of recuperation.

I hereby propose a new federal law for America: If any city wants to dump water for reasons not related to the health of would-be drinkers, they must bottle it up and ship it to Africa.

This again? Am i the only one who's getting sick and tired of this overstated issue?

The Nexus line seems to be more new approach to flagship phones, but otherwise yes, that's exactly my point. ^_^