Find a proper test online. I took one a year ago to pep up my CV and all answers were multiple choice.

I'm Shang?! Guess it could be worse, but i was at least hoping for a nice villain.


While his criticism is valid, i think he like many might have misunderstood Google X. It seems to be much more like the initial idea for Google Fiber (than it seems to be a copy-paste R&D for profit department), in that the tech and demo's it produces appears to be more of a slap-across-the-face proof of concept

Are spacetime dimensions a fundamental property of the universe or a byproduct of the laws of physics? And while we're on dimensions and what not, has amplituhedrons disproven the post-Einstein concept of time or has it merely warped it.

Great! Now i have one more place to visit when i build my own TARDIS.

The lesson: Be nice to your neighbors. Or they will fucking wipe out everything you ever loved and shit on the whimpering carcass that was once your life.

Cats were primitive pest control we allowed into encampments because they were useful.

That why every time a friend of my coughs from stuff going down the wrong pipe, i tell them: "Don't inhale! That's how They get ya." ^_^

I think that nicotine (read: not cigarettes or tobacco) should be rated among the best drugs over. It may make people addicted to it, but it also improves memory, it's a mild anti-psychotic and depending on the dose it's either a stimulant or sedative/painkiller (a unique ability).

Queen all the fucking way. Chiefly because they tend to be more tactical and create nests instead of simply lunging into combat, but also because a Queen is basically a cross between a tank, a T-rex and an acid bath with the intelligence of a very smart chimp/dolphin/corvid.

Well, we did invent butter (you're welcome universe), so i think we're allowed a few eccentricities when it comes to marketing it.

*Read this in Morgan Freeman's voice*

I finally understand why Q thinks it's so much fun to mess with planet and star placements. ^_^

A highly needed correction:

Here are my candidates:

Had scenario #9 happened, I highly doubt historians would have dubbed it "World War 3". Instead it would have been recorded as allies attacking allies and the war gaining a second wind.

I completely agree. The product and it's quality should speak for itself.

Allow me to simplify the answer:

Next time someone calls me a nerd, i will ask them which member of their subculture last sat the first foot on another world. ^_^