If this was my home, my desk and computer would be in front of the clock face window. It's the absolute best spot to sit scheming over how i shall eventually kill Mister Bond and kill humanity.

Well put. But i have to add that any sentient and sapient life created by humans, whether they biological or non-biological, are our children and should be treated as we would any member of our family.

With a grain of salt (knowing how Microsoft likes to promise 1 thing and then change their minds of no reasonable reason), I'm fairly impressed.

The 2 Victorian era hands in the list is the same one in 2 different museums.

A weather control machine that times a lightning strikes perfectly to the end of your monologue, would add to gravity of your plan. Throw in some light Shakespearian drama and you've got yourself the perfect speech to frighten your enemies.

Norse mythology has a lot of great myths that Hollywood has never tackled. In fact, I would argue that Hollywood has only touched superficial elements once a decade. And most of the time it's merely "Norse mythology by proxy", as the most common mentions of Norse mythology is done in Viking movies that doesn't have a

Thank you. ^_^ I don't think one needs to be a virologist to realize that an intruder that's hundreds of times larger than what would detect it (white blood cells) and as large as what they're suppose to sneak into (regular cells), then that's not a "square peck in a round hole" situation, but more a "aircraft carrier

What i find truly comical is that the Elysium Bugatti shuttle is not nearly as futuristic as what the founder Ettore Bugatti designed back in the day.

Thank you for pointing out where this plant is in the image. ^_^ For a second there i just couldn't spot it on the fairly neutral background and thought it might be hiding behind that ruler.

Point taken.

I'll be awaiting my royalty check from DC comics then. ^_^

Okay... So it's really just a case of brewers playing way too loose with terms to garner attention for new recipes? Kinda how one could call a beer with coffee beans a "hops macchiato" or how one could call a watered down rum spiced with cola beans a "fermented coca-cola".

Given that it's evolved to infect amoebas, it would take quite a lot of time for it it change it's target niche.

Given that the modern Santa Claus is a mixture between the highly racist Dutch Sinterklaas (himself based on Saint Nicholas from what's now Turkey) and Odin (who was more hardcore than most Vikings), this doesn't come as that big a surprise.

Nice to see someone else who's figured out that it's "cost versus quality" and not "cost versus quantity". ^_^

The Hindenburg Zeppelin catastrophe didn't help either.

So fitting weapons to ships and buildings would be equally pointless in your mind? ^_^

True. But port hits pretty hard, so a newcomer might want to steer clear until they've build up a tolerance to alcohol.

I can't speak for Finns, Swedes or even entire nations as I've never spoken to all the people living in Scandinavia (not to mention that Finland's status as a potential member of Scandinavia isn't really something that usually pop up in conversations), but the few fellow Danes and 1 Norseman i have talked about it

What kind of military would put 50 tonnes of cargo into something that could be armed with 50 tonnes of unnecessarily destructive air-to-ground artillery. ^_^