Try Ernst and Julio Gallo's Turning Leaf merlot. It's nice, fruity, slightly sweet, not too aggressive in its aftertaste and even a product of American wine producers.

I and most i know are said "locals", and I've never heard of a fellow Dane who didn't think of Finland as part of the Scandinavian brotherhood. ^_^


Holy shit, i absolutely love how she worked folk clothing designs into their clothing, without making it look old or new. That's some skill. ^_^

Borders might have shifted through time, but the original area that's Scandinavia is the ancient tribal areas with a common ethno-cultural proto-Germanic heritage and this includes about half of Finland (the northern parts originally inhabited by various Swede tribes).
And during Finland's violent separation from the

Were you born with it as well or was it an acquired skill?

In a perfect world, we could all just walk straight into a lab and have some phenomenon of ours studied. ^_^
Not just to discover the unknown, but to provide more data for the rare.

I know this is goes against the advise on the end to not dose people with Pilocarpus Pennatifolius, but in case someone were to think this plant is a good prank, wouldn't it be better to supply a recommended or maximum dosage.
Otherwise, this article is like telling a kid not to touch the cookies while you're not

If you need something to write about, how about the Brazilian Phoneutria (also known as Brazilian Wandering Spider or the Banana Spider).

I just laughed so hard I'm 99,97% sure that I'm going to hell. ^_^

That's how i keep people out of my totally scientific collection of *cough* media. It's just a folder named "Scientific Raw Data" and non one has thus far clicked it even when looking for music or anything on my computer. ^_^

Cool your horses, i was obviously not advocating such a comic. The whole comic was simply a "what if DC comics were ultimate jerks" scenario taken to it's most extreme, but i would obviously not like this to be the case (otherwise adding "Dreams=Shattered" would be meaningless).

My bad. ^_^

I'm not and i didn't. T-rex hasn't been the largest apex predator for well over a decade and most of the book on dinosaurs written in this span agrees with that.

The audiobook will need to sound like it was recorded on a dictaphone, with the clicks of the play/pause button between chapters and some faint background noise of the environment.

If DC Comics are real jerks, then when they one day go out of business (face it, no company last forever, but lets hope we're talking decades to come) their entire body of work will be demolished in the final comic Bruce Wayne No. 1, where they show that all of DC comics is nothing but the delusion of a slowly dying 5

So this is how people passed the time thousands of years ago. ^_^ Some people set up an obstacle course, with lucky coins suspended on strings and a guy on a sheng play a theme while the stomp turtles and flowers. ^_^

Jötnar (or Jætter as we call them in Danish) are not giants. This cannot be overstated and it always shows which articles have actually been researched to their fullest extent.

I may just have read too much sci-fi were the AI isn't a cold calculating machine, but this story was pretty "meh". Read it a few times hoping for the shoe to drop, but in the end all i could imagine being the "superb" part is that the gynoid isn't just a dead accessory.

I might just be a minority, but on my Sony Bravia ex720 i think MotionFlow on "Standard" looks awesome. I won't ever put it on "Smooth", "Clear" or "ClearPlus" as they give the "Soap Opera Effect", but "Off" just makes every channel, movie or game look choppy.