So what you're telling us that it's fucking old? ^_^

While some of these are nice, none are really futuristic enough for me. But I've always been partial to the semi-minimalistic dark design they used in Tron Legacy (long before the movie came out).

True, but that wasn't my point.

I'd like to point out that recent research have proven that human hips could easily be much wider without impacting our ability to walk, which means the narrow hips and -birth canal is somehow not the root of the problem.

The weird part is that evolutionary jump only happened once.

What you're witnessing in this photo is merely the pilot program for walking on land. One refined and finished, all land-locked life will be doomed.

Biggest reason the navy has such a hard time recruiting people. ^_^

First it's a prosthetic tail, then a prosthetic something else and soon this is what we'll see in the rear-view mirror when we pull into onto our street:

FOOLS! You cannot hide from the Qualifying Phrases spotting tree.

Maybe you're the kinda guy he needs to perfect these doors. He's got the novelty and awesomeness narrowed down and you've got the practicality and usefulness narrowed down. ^_^

My friends and i have been jokingly saying the same for a decade, talking about how many fail to manage level-up point (neglecting "Individuality" and "logic"), the drop-rate of certain quests (a quest is a job) and how shitty the Admins are.

I'm very introverted and drew it so that other could read it, as it look half of second of thinking to figure that it make no sense to draw something i can't see (it's on my face) and no one could read (because it's mirrored).

You're getting those headaches because you're trying to imagine something that makes no sense, kinda like trying to imagine a tesseract.

Hell yeah! It's just got more to love.

It sure do. So far we've been assholes making anti-matter and we have sped up entropy, but the universe have been totally cool about it th whole time.

*Facepalm* Damn my memory. Of course they all had red masks and it's only in the non-Mirage Comics continuity where they have individual colors.
I think i might have mixed up the reasons behind colored masks in the 1987 cartoon TV series, so I'm sorry for that one.

Exactly what i thought.

Originally the turtles looked more like clones, as the artist was a bit lazy. So in order to distinguish them from each other, they were given masks that were colored differently.

Then go buy it. ^_^

May be. Though, i think it might be the other way around, as Wayne Barlowe (the artist and author behind Alien Planet) has been designing biologically realistic aliens since 1978 and because Alien Planet premiered the same year Alex Ries uploaded his first artwork.