1 free internets have been subtracted from you.

Once again we have proof that curves makes everything from women to space travel better. ^_^

I don't know if i can do it myself either, but the best body-mod artists here in Denmark have all told me i would be the first they'd implant one in. So my options are kinda limited.

Great minds think alike. ^_^

Number 1 in Scandinavia! Suck it Sweden!

I know that forum already and actually have a profile there. ^_^

Valid point, especially since the French Revolution was itself a "empire collapse". But there really is not way to know, as all collapsed empires scared the same symptoms, yet never the exact same post-collapse conditions.

The US can been in decline for over a decade now. Not in anything specific, but from the general symptoms of a "empire collapse".
Though the specifics, culture and events are vastly different, America resembles Tsar Russia, the USSR, the British Empire, post-WWI Germany, the Roman Empire (both classical and eastern)

I suspect you're just kidding, but i still wanna point out that we don't get high. Only one of us smoke weed and i don't think he's ever been high during our little sessions.
But at any rate, we just do it for the fun and to stretch our mental muscles, so it's not like being under the influence would matter as long as

Add a bit of showmanship to the whole thing by stretching out the year, while adding weight to every number. So instead of "1989", say "9 TEEN, 8'TE 9", as if this date makes the car the greatest surprise and wonder since fire.
And say "foothills of North Carolina" as if you're climatically reminiscing about your

There goes the neighborhood...

I'm a transhumanist with a high degree of interest in cybernetics, human augmentation and AI ethics.

The problem with these kinds of studies have- and will always be the fact that our culture teaches kids and teenagers things that makes their teenage years more confusing, as well as keep information from them that could smooth the transition.

Imagine this guy looking at boobs and those Grand Canyon photos.

Just a reminder from the League of Dark Conspiracies's office of Chronological Management of Evil:
As of the moment this is being written, your petition for a sanctioned meeting on "June 32, 3151 AD" still haven't been filled and will need to be submitted before the end of the 16.290.654.013 year ADCE (After Darkness Cr

I always take it as artistic license utilized to make a "void of voids" so alien it tickles our sense of wonder.
But still, black would be the obvious "color" of things, as absolutely nothing exists there. So our eyes would neither detect photons from- nor reflected off something.

That's the reason I've covertly swapped my matter for anti-matter, so if a corporation tries to touch me, the planet goes boom. ^_^ Or as a corporation puts it, "the planet becomes fiscally negative".

Sure they did. The nice peasant gave them all very VERY short haircuts in a public square and then they all went to live on a grape farm in northern Francewhere they make really delicious grape soda.

Skrillex is the Britney Spears (not looks, but depth and quality) of electronic music, so if he has any pride or taste he stays away from it.

Shhhh... If the female astronauts get winds of this, they'll bulk up in very "unscientific" suits and future generation will hate us. ^_^