You should see it at night when the moonlight eerily passes through it.

About a decade ago half of northern Rødovre looked like that and i know from a few friends who LARP near Copenhagen that they forest once got completely webbed.
But it is rare and it happens at random, so you only see it if your lucky or the news think it's news worthy.

I wonder if the team behind South Park are reading this while shouting "they dook our jerbs". ^_^


Holy shit, this guy should not come to Denmark when we have our (thankfully) infrequent "web booms". He's gonna shit himself. ^_^

As both a metal fan and a lover of science, I've always loved their "Monsters of Grok" range. ^_^

With scientists working hard on growing meat from stemcells in a sterile environment, the spirited debate might be settled in the near future.

I think i might be living in a Danish building inspired by the French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier's Ville Radieuse. It was build in the late 50's with the goal of having a self-sufficient vertical village inside a city and even though the idea has since been abandoned (by which i mean elements of the building being

Red mercury is obviously a codename or a hoax, as "red mercury" comes from old-world alchemy as the final ingredient in the creation of a Philosopher's Stone.

As far as i can see, Alex Ries had nothing to do with Alien Planet.

The better question is why every singular superhero, mutant and meta-human doesn't use body armor. Because even if you can heal extensive injury, dodge 99% of all attacks or come back to life, it takes just one proper hit for an enemy to get the advantage.Even someone like Superman should adopt body armor, especially

I do puzzle games or check my RSS feeds on my phone. ^_^

The addition of racist is one of the reason I'm not saying we won (the other is that such an autocomplete list is way to simplistic to state anything).

I'm not gonna say my country won... But we're pretty close. ^_^

An R2 Astromech unit is a Class 2 droid, which like Class 1 and 5 is designed to have little to no direct interactions with biological beings. Therefor their auditory capabilities are build to communicate in Droidspeak, which itself is a short-form of raw binary code.
Only class 3 (of which C-3PO is part of) and class

No, I've set ringer volume to only goes down half the way. And it seems that incoming calls don't (somehow) count as a screen on event, as volume is unaffected when i get incoming calls while i don't use the phone.

The Environmental Protection Agency's 2013 report on US water quality.

Gee thanks, io9! You just made me have a nerdgasm and now my keyboard is all covered in awesomeness.

It really isn't that big a surprise that 42% of all US rivers are incapable of supporting life, is it?
And just to underline, that's 42% not capable of supporting life, so highly toxic rivers with life, lakes (with or without life) and slightly polluted waters are not included in that figure.