Don't you mean: Totally_Not_Malware_Porn_Antivirus_FreeMoney_333.PCP

That's just the end of the banana.

This is a planet that has giant storms that can sweep across half the planets surface in the 6 months they rage on. So why is wind not the obvious option here?

At least it's not that new age gobbledygook from the Middle-Eastern hippie that hands out magical fish and bread, and who has some grudge against that fledgling Roman Empire. His name escapes me, but you know whom I'm talking about.

I've got one question that simple cannot go unasked. In the making and photographing of this wonderful machine, did no one mention that it looks about 100 times less than a monkey than it does a Headcrab from Half Life?
I mean I haven't played all that much Half Life in my life, but my first instinct was fetching my

"Blacki" can only be a reference to a name, as "balck" is not a Latin word. Had it been a reference to a color it would have been "negro" and had it been a reference to Africans it would either have been "Africanus" or (the more racist) "negroid".

Obvious troll is obvious.

No, it's just human males that would be affected.

This is just how my brain works. ^_^ When fed things, it automatically deconstruct, assess strengths/weaknesses, eliminate unnecessary parts and reassemble it to something that exceeds whatever i first fed it.

I vote for "Near Star" or "Giant Reaching for Stardom". ^_^

A few points here I'd like to explore.

My pet theory is that the whole Mandarin business is a triple bluff, as the canon Mandarin is perhaps the most intelligent of all Marvel villain and by far one of the best tacticians.
Plus, the Mandarin doesn't breath fire in canon. But the dragon Fin Fang Foom (who the Mandarin covertly controls until Iron Man kill it)

That is awesome. Vague enough to almost seem borderline legit and crazy enough to make you wanna ring that guy up. ^_^

It's not exactly canon, but the consensus among both fans, game designers and movie makers seems to be that "drones" have a smooth carapace and warriors have the bony ridges.

I too was foiled by this, but i found a simple wetware hack that could potentially solve this.

The image is from 2010, making it somewhat pointless given that there's at least 3 years of research not reflected in it. It's still nice and all, but when it comes to the science of newly tested substances, 3 years might as well be 3 decades.

That's actually a well known fact, though no-one really knows why (some think he was asexual, homosexual or just didn't think he had time for women). But every attempt by friends at getting him married was brushed off by Tesla and he was infamous for ignoring the advances of interested ladies.

Kinky double entendre. ^_^

If i scratch the general area of my eyebrows to hard, i sneeze violently several times.