Given the changes that lead up to and after a technological singularity, isn't this article ultimately as pointless as a neolithic man trying to imagine how he would get to the moon and what it would be like to live there?
I'm not saying the article is bad (as it's a refreshing breath of well-informed educated reasoning

I think that the coffee drinking twin is not only alive today, but at the beginning and end of time, as he has vibrated himself out of the time-line. That's why we have no recorded death.

"If you don't like what you mother is serving, you can go eat a granola bar, young man..!

Well put.

Who would think this is a glitch? It's not like NASA uses Apples map program. ^_^

"This agglomeration which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire." - Voltaire

Of course any killing machine with a semblance of self-respect has caravan cabinets on the inside. Otherwise, where would we keep the post-apocalypse celebration champagne and the champagne glasses we've fashioned out of weak human skulls?

Hey, if the sea rises exactly 14 meters. my (far from the sea) apartment will not only get a ocean view, but an 360 degree ocean view dry-land island. ^_^

Only 1 country with English as a first language officially use Imperial Units. ^_^

Actually, quite a lot of people are too oblivious/dumb to pick up on subtext. About half of all reviews i read online that complain about plot holes, confusing story telling or complexity all boil down to them reviewer being blind to anything not spelled out in all-caps every damn second.

Any self-respecting eccentric and twisted human being does. ^_^

As opposed to the biblical hell, which is notoriously easy on the eyes?

A lot of valid points, but i don't think Dorian's penis size was racial, given that he said beforehand that his creator had been more "generous". Sure, he could just be referring to the fact that he isn't smooth down there, but it could just as well mean that he didn't just get a dick, but also more than any other

Happy to help. ^_^ And i believe Lifehacker had an article on DIY'ing Bluetooth into headphone just a month or 2 ago, so start there.

That comment needs 90's porn music to really hit the spot. ^_^

The fuck did i just read? Even 4chan's infamous /b/ would be hesitant to cheer these guys on and those old-/newfags are sick.

What if i want to pretend to run a brothel based on an io9 article about Roman emperor's sexual depravities and sell a fantasy to a client who wants to pretend to run a brothel based on an io9 article about Roman emperor's sexual depravities, who then in turn want to sell a fantasy to a client who wants to pretend to

  • "Star". Unless it's already an established franchise.

Sound quality always beats looks, so you wear those puppies with pride.

I did mention it's not an absolute rule, but maybe i should have pointed out that people who know headphones don't need it and that it's mostly geared towards those who think "Beats by Dre" is the best thing since the invention of stereo sound.