Old school cables can get crosstalk, but nowadays cable manufacturers employ both internal shielding, as well as special internal wire braiding patterns, that both lower crosstalk immensely.
It's not completely gone, but unless you're transferring huge amounts of data (as you would in a wired 100 Gbit home network or

The length of the cord is actually an excellent indicator of quality, as long cable head phones are usually build to specs befitting sound technicians, DJ's, musicians and movie/TV/entertainment crews (which require better sound- and build quality than everyday head phones). The cord length is there to allow the

Must... Not... Make... Lovecraft reference! *Metallic grinding sound as brain brakes are engaged*

Not to mention that radiation is a better source of energy than the visible electromagnetic spectrum, so it's could even favorable for single cell life in such an early universe.

Early life could actually benefit from radiation, as it's a better source of energy for chemical reactions than lower wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Just look at the fungus discovered in Chernobyl, which lives off the gamma radiation leaked by the reactors.

*spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't read the book*

Sorry to burst the "dollar value" bubble, but even though America has done near nothing to prevent a remake of the last (and still current) economic crisis, the rest of the world has been phasing out the dollar as a base value so we wont fall along with you the next time.
Granted, it's no even 25% phased out at the

I'm gonna turn this into a drinking game. ^_^

Is it just me, or does the fact that they have mustaches make them about 200% cooler?

He does it to freak you out, so he can stab you. Psychological tactics in hand-to-hand combat. ^_^

Neptune is probably pissed because Jupiter has been stealing his thunder, by out-cyclone'ing the god of the seas.

First, i have to point out that concept implementation is not my forte as I'm not an engineer. But i do know a thing or 2 about organizing your thoughts in writing (this is my own method for breaking down projects).

Damn, your baby look f*cking weird. No offence. ^_^

I'm just spitballing here, but could the 2nd of the Two General Principles of Ideas ("The capacity to bring old elements into new combinations depends largely on the ability to see relationship") be the root-cause of the higher level of creativity in schizophrenics?
After all, one of the problems schizophrenics face is

What did you think for the end?

Not trying to be misogynistic, but as a exclamation it seems apt.

Well put, good sir.

Thank you, i will. ^_^

In 1910 people thought it would be difficult to power a car with a rocket and that going to the moon in one was a sign of mental illness (literally). Didn't stop those few great mind from achieving it. ^_^

Wouldn't "we're making the mountain come to us, instead of sprinting to it's base" be a better analogy?