So it's stuck between a rock and a hard place?

Featuring voice-over by Jack Black and a score by Metallica.

I would argue that we need to just make bacta-tanks free for all and then focus our efforts on stabilizing the situation on Tatooine and rebuilding relations with the Mandalorians.

Well, you're already the lowest scoring country of native English speakers when it comes to written English. Which is quite amazing given that 2/3rds of native English speakers live there.
And the state of Illinois have even legislated that it's official language is not English, but instead "American".

I could not agree more.

The nuclear bomb dropped on Japan was 2 of the most horrible single actions we as a species have done. We've killed many more people in larger battles or wars, but one nuclear bomb going off is pure indiscriminate death, horror and salted earth.

Of course there are shitty overpriced apps, i already pointed that out.

They wanna step away from the tank-like look? Why would they do that, as Nolan used that look because the Batmobile in the source material (which is the exact same for both Nolan's trilogy and this new movie) has a Batmobile that looks like a fancy tank (even though it's more like a small fortress on tank treads).

Just got off the phone with the Nobel Committee. They just fired the Peace Panel, seeing as Amazon could never (ever ever) be beaten and as World Peace is mere days away now.

I think you have a slightly skewed sense of the work put into apps and the earnings people make.
The vast majority of the apps on android are vastly underpriced compared to the hours poured into them and many of them are made by people who will squeeze the code out (line by line) between the seconds they have left

A lot of the people we know think of as evil in a "black and white" world view, are actually residents of the darker portions of the grey area.

With Google, the devs can set their own prices while Google will take less (in terms of percentage).
This means that the devs don't have to have inflated prices and can instead set a price fair to the amount of work put into the app.

Shouldn't this article be preceded by one on how to attain, use and keep on objective viewpoint? It'd make things so much easier. ^_^

Indeed. Europe learned this during WWII, as almost all countries kept detailed census and statistical data on all citizens in order to know how best to serve them.
And it worked pretty good, as governments could tailor every public service to best accommodate the locals, make sure special needs were filled and even

I wouldn't do that if i were you. The good Dr. Jigsaw teaching that class is the foremost expert in boobytrapping the boobytrap's every primary, secondary and tertiary hidden back-up features of his fool-proof deathmachines, all of which are psychologically tailored to foil any person who has any chance of

I've got a better one for #2. Instead of the Richard Stephens being the bad guy, how about he was a male witch who discovered a fatal flaw in War's gentleman's personality: He cannot refuse challenge to duel 1-on-1.

Just make sure your monologue is properly timed, as one that's too short will cost you theatrics points and one that's too long could allow you nemesis to hatch an escape plan. It's a really tricky and delicate balance, and most end up overdoing it.

I would back my cube all up in that thang and assimilate the hell out of it.
Resistance is futile.

The attitude is there, but you cared enough to reply.

The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.