Funny story: Do you know what most Asians call Western- and Eastern medicine?

The armored truck in the first "Hungarian uprising of 1956, Budapest, 1956 & 2012 or 2013" picture looks like a strangely steampunk Humvee.

Compared to this, my own idea of a sequel seems a bit lame. Or better, if the viewer prefers dark stories about insane sycophants trying to 1up. ^_^

The Scandinavian versions actually ran for over half a decade. ^_^

We actually prefer the term "Righteous god" or "Benevolent leader" (though for the sake of expedience, we do accept "Master"), while we take offense from being called "megalomaniacs" (as it's what we call our foolish and puny enemies). And you wouldn't like us when we're offended.

I completely agree. ^_^ I didn't bother to read the text about what the images was about (i assumed "gut-wrenching" was meant in a positive manner), but the second i saw Donatello i had to read it, as the picture just screamed that he was the last turtle alive.

I don't know, Mister Brutus... I mean, you seem qualified and all, but i already have my Ancient Egyptian henchwoman Miss Neffer Titties (she likes to brag about her non killing "attributes" and she not too good with puns, as you can see from her name).

Wow, that's some extremely narrow minded opinion and overly black-and-white oversimplification you got there.

No, you're not the only one. ^_^

I've always been in favor of "Sentient(s)", as it'll allow a wider inclusion of non-terrestrial life. Sentient machines, hive-minds or potential singular beings (sentient species that has always included no more than 1 member) would still be "Sentient(s)", while their status as a "Folk" could be debatable.

I'm not white, I'm a light-ish pink given my naturally low melanin concentration and the my sub-dermal blood flow. In fact, besides the highly light skin color of some albinos, i have never seen a human being anywhere near white.


Yes, tons of Danes celebrating a holiday we don't celebrate. ^_^ Sorry for the sarcasm, but in Scandinavia only the Swedes celebrate May Day, while both Norsemen and us Danes dropped it back in the 1700's after we had a particularly bad war with the Germans (they F*cking looted the original Danish flag from the 13th

Indeed. ^_^

I completely agree with you, but i have to point out 2 things.

This makes me wonder if Venus have ever played host to simple forms of single cell life and if so, whether or not some extremophile offspring might be living in those clouds. ^_^

But if theremins make us Ood, then I'd be guilty of human trafficking and I'd become one myself.

Thanks for catching that one. ^_^ It was suppose to be Ood and not Oot. ^_^

Does anyone know when this baby will be available in Europe?

So, the we were the Oot all along?