Maybe the rich and famous just got so fed up with paparazzi that they decided to vacation the one place where no regular camera would function. ^_^

I've always wondered why so few superheroes don't have more protection.

"I wonder why io9 keeps freaking me out with horror stories and monsters, as i casually browse the site. Then i vaguely remember i haven't had electricity in my home for weeks and that I'm not allowed to think of that".

Zen Buddhism gone wild, huh? ^_^ Seems like it might be time for some humanism.

All you need is Hodor. ^_^

The problem here, is that even with the most pessimistic estimates, there would still be 3,06×10^11 alien civilizations in the observable universe advance enough to build a radio and possibly billions of times that many that are intelligent like chimps, dolphins, ravens or wolfs. And if Many Worlds Interpretation of

I used to use virtual .PDF printing, until i tried Evernote's web clipper. Now i haven't printed anything to .PDF and I've actually gone through my old .PDF files for links so i could add the sites directly to Evernote (and delete the old file).

That's it. From now on, I'm just gonna pretend I never had a childhood and just magically appeared as an adult a decade ago.

Wait a minute... An underground lair, in a dormant volcano, on a planet named after a god of war!? First problem i foresee here is that the entire city will be crawling with undercover MI6 agents and visitor manifestos will be littered with named like A. Powers, J. Bond and J. Carter.

Wouldn't that be "more Positron" in their outlook?

Indeed. That's why they must be extracted before sprouting, as a half sprouted bean causes instant sharknados.

As far as I've understood my science text books, prematurely extracted ear beans are the number 1 cause of a sharknado.

io9, July 19 2023:


I like to think the child of Sansa and Tyrion will be Tony Stark. Then he'd have the wealth and quick thinking of a Lannister, while having the cunning, beauty and last name of a Stark. ^_^

Like all the science fiction of the last hundreds years, it's much more likely that Star Trek is aiming insanely low. And that's the reason Roddenberry chose to leave blanks in the past history of Star Trek, as he wanted to avoid as many predictive pit falls as possible.

My thoughts as well, but the problem is that Hel is a place in the center of Niflheim and not a realm by itself. More specifically, Hel is a walled-off courtyard with a mansion at its center, all of which houses the goddess Hel and those who die without honor or achievements.

If you fill the shade of your sombrero with orange peels, you could destankify any place you visit, like some kinda odor fighting super hero. ^_^ Plus, I'd look awesome and be quite original. ^_^

The biggest problem with illustrations of realms in Norse mythology, is the fact that only 2-dimentional positions are given and that only some have agreed upon positions at all (Asgaard and Midgaard), while the rest changes wildly depending on the Edda (a long form religious poem, constituting the written form of

I see you somewhat misunderstood me. Self-replicating nano machines are very much possible and can do it by fairly simple processes, but not outside of a control environment where they're fed very specific designer molecules.