The fight scene in X-Men Origins: Wolverine happens exactly 4 a.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 1979. We know this because we actually witness the nuclear accident on Three Mile Island, albeit here it's caused by mutant fighting, while in the real world it was a meltdown in the secondary reactor TMI-2.

Oh, they could "overindulge" themselves, but their very nature is what's preventing them from going "gray goo".

Though the picture is nice, i really hate the fact that some still believe in the downright idiotic "gray goo" idea. Of pseudo-scientific ideas, it's right up there with Rogue Planet X coming to annihilate us and the "Growing Earth" hypothesis.

Of course they are (i hope). ^_^

Thought provoking article, but isn't this just an article on xenopsychology (with the assumption that psychology is based solely on sensory input) trying not to mention the word "xenopsychology"?

This was actually Denmark first salvo in an unofficial dance contest between Danish, Norwegian and Swedish cops. So this guy was chosen by his colleagues for his dance moves and celebrated big time. ^_^

Spider Snake, Spider Snake. Does whatever a Spider Snake does.

If i saw them, I'd make sure to have a donut and then do a Jedi mind trick. "These are not the donut you're looking for." ^_^

That's all!? They just play music once in a while, while no one is looking?

I don't really like the whole "loose floating button" thing, but otherwise love the idea. Does anyone know of a widget that might do the same?

This is an excellent and possibly highly effective way of catching sexual predators, as it could potentially run 24/7. But isn't it about time we as a society start addressing the problem, instead of straining resources hunting down symptoms?

That's the thing. Here in Europe (Negobot is from Spain) attempting to engage in intercourse with a minor is as punishable as attempting to murder someone. Sure, no minor was actually violated, but the alleged perpetrator likely premeditated the assault, which goes to show this might not be the perp's first attempt,

Humanity: 1

To each his own, i suppose. ^_^

Can you multiply or type on a calculator, all you need is your birth certificate or just a statistic on the most common hour of birth on your given day. It really couldn't be any simpler. ^_^

As long as you know your starting point (date and hour of birth) and then apply simple multiplication. It's pretty much basic high school math. ^_^

Haven't we all done that at one point?

Insulin injected with a jet injector. An overdose will cause a heart attack and if the body is allowed to decay for 3-4 days, the insulin left over will be broken down on it's own. And the site of injection will be visible, which is why jet injection would be better, as it can easily be overlooked and looks slightly

The problem isn't that his usage of the word "energy" is correct as a figurative tool, but that he use it as a literal term he thinks is perfectly scientific. And every time i point out there's no such thing as "spirit energy" (or some such poorly defined non-sense) i just get a copy-paste answer that science just

Noooo, you just collapsed my waveform of geekiness into an singular event of disappointment (let's call it "Goldberg's sci-fi geek" instead of "Schrödinger's cat" from now on). Does this really mean that Many Worlds Interpretation is considered less right compared to a better proven hypothesis, or does it just throw