"Few would want to see the results"? Article and pictures please, because I'm not "few" and that teaser just made me way to curious. ^_^

Am i the only one who reads "nunnery biting epidemic" and thinks about Zombie nuns?

They are definitely alike, no doubt about that. But i think both of are suppose to be a stylistic nod towards the visor of an Armet helmets worn medieval knights. ^_^

Truer word may have never been spoken. ^_^

The Midnighter is more brawl than high-tech. If anything, Batman 3000's cape and the stylistic look of the red areas makes him look more like a Batman/Blue Beetle amalgamation. ^_^

You too. ^_^ Seems like i may have found myself a long-lost twin. ^_^

Wow, what a disappointment for a io9 article. Without any explanation to the flags or story behind them, this is merely a list of what you think looks good, but not which flags are actually cool.

While i do love those laws and have known them for quite some time, they unfortunately don't apply here. Wish they did, but they don't.

Uh, i love Batman's new looks. The red fits perfectly with him and his insignia has returned to the original 1960's look without looking out of place.

No means no (light).

THAT IT. I'm getting my brother who can perfectly imitate a wookie and then we'll take this to the next f*cking level. ^_^

They should just have stuck with their original idea of a speculative science, hard sci-fi movie, with the psychological thriller/horror style of the original Twilight Zone series.

Ahhh, that's actually an interesting viewpoint.

Until you've mastered and subjugated the very fabric of reality, you need to do more science. ^_^ No pressure. ^_^

Just like the user Ghost in the Machine, i too am already doing a whole lot of "civilian science", though I'm concentrating on mind-hacking, theoretical bio-hacking, psychology and psychiatry at the moment.

The DVD was literally within arms length from my computer, so it's not like it's some great feat. ^_^ I just thought i might as well be sure i remembered the scene in question.

I just rewatched the entire scene to be sure and you can't actually see where the tail is during the rape. Dren uses it to pull of his "moms" pants, then it cuts away and when the scene returns, Dren is clearly thrusting away with great force before being impaled by a stake in the back.

Don't worry. I've seen it too, so there's no risk of spoilers. ^_^

Holy shit, you must be watching some weird as tentacle porn, because that thing is balancing appendage with a hidden stinger inside it.

All in all, a very good article highlighting debates that needs to be finished before the individual situations arise. ^_^