I think you're underestimating just what it takes to do digital art.

And digital things aren't?

Good to hear the negative sentiment about the digital medium isn't universal. ^_^

They smile while the die a slow and painful death? I can't help but wonder if strychnine might be the inspiration behind "joker venom". ^_^

If their first action is to kick his ass, i don't care what they're here for: Just tell me where to sign up. ^_^

Greetings beings from another world. Welcome to earth where we can teach you such wonders as subtlety and not freaking our primitive civilization by putting huge letters in the upper atmosphere.

While i agree that it's sad that the artistry of set design is overlooked, i have to wonder why making it with one's hands makes it better?

I cannot overstate how much i love the smoking monkey and the monkey chilling with an umbrella. Those guys got so much swag that i wonder how the moon didn't get pulled in by its gravity. ^_^

Glad i could help. ^_^

I completely agree, but you have to remember that most sci-fi has a sort of fractured non-linear technological development (contrary to reality's semi-linear co-development between all technologies).

If you look at the short again, you'll notice that at the very start "he" turns his head looking for the source of the machine voice and in doing so, exposes 2 huge holes were the "hood" and neck meets (situated almost directly below "his" jawline).

I've got a few I'd like to know, so i hope it's ok to submit more than 1. ^_^

It's just you, my friend. ^_^

I'm calling bullshit on most of those.

I think it's funny that you think scientists can't employ objectivity and empiricism. Especially since that's the most priced skill among scientists and the root of almost every scientific advance in medicine, biology, psychology and anthropology.

While i agree that this kinda subject matter and the way some thing on this list were formed, is highly suspect to say the least, i think you've misunderstood the entire idea behind and premise of io9.

Unholy shit, that headline on teen pregnancy cracked me up. I'm still fighting to type properly, so that i may point out the obvious fact that something cannot drop below the 0% it should be at age 25. ^_^

Given the nature of the article, what you said sounds almost seductive and bizarrely borderline erotic. ^_^

I was and still am very confused about people claiming that Idiocracy is a comedy. In my book it's one of the most scary horror movie ever made. ^_^

This really is how safety posters should be, to induce strong vicarious learning: Lots of frightening, ghoulish and borderline horror movie imagery.