Just as I read the title of this article, my tv decided that the theme from Halloween was the most appropriate backdrop for reading everything.

Wouldn't it be easier to eliminate areas first? Not all areas of the desert are equally accessible (harsh terrain, roads, etc), some are government property and some have soil that would never look like the picture.

How about the fact that they divided 170+ billion galaxies (with an average of 400 billion stars each) into 3600 sectors protected by 7200 lanterns? That's ineffective by any measurement, since each lantern would have to defend ~47.222.222 galaxies.

The "throwing around" was a reference to you claiming I'm in denial.

Throwing around accusations won't bring you far.

I just think they're aiming too low. Where's the gesture based interface, the MYO style input or just eye movement input. And what about true Augmented Reality, instead of this extended Mixed Reality child's play.

In regards to the Batman question, I think there's a huge misunderstanding about the nature of knowledge, at work.

I know. ^_^ But it's just one of those metaphors that needs an update, because it actually confuses the layman more than it enlightens.

I like that theory, since the lack of Time Fleet agents have always bugged me.

The idea of actually meeting an anti-matter twin hurts my brain. Sure, there's likely a universe with an anti-matter me (if we assume the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct), but if he arrived in our universe, i don't think i could get anywhere near him before his anti-matter came into contact

Silly people. That clearly a TARDIS Type 40 (Mark 3) auxiliary "Custard and Bowtie" dispenser. It takes 1 unit of companion confusing technobabble and converts it into 1,2 units of Custard or 1,6 units of Bowties. ^_^

While it's highly unscientific, subjective and failure to have statistically significant data, i can say from personal experience that this study might just be true. ^_^

Blew my mind as well, but probably not as much as you, given that i've already read about the possible discovery of arsenic-based life on earth and because i've always wondered why only one line of life would evolve on a planet where life (if we assume the initial proto-life was assembled purely on earth, with

I'm afraid you've fallen for sensationalist journalism, because only 1 of the 4 had an injury seemingly caused by a Sapiens weapon and had injuries to the bones likely caused by teeth (though they're too vague to even suggest a species). But the others who were buried there, all died of other causes and weren't buried

1. Full control over sync by using Synker plugin. It syncs based on time, date, battery percentage and whether or not it's charging.

I know. But that's only because Frank Miller's reimagination of him got so popular. But I've read those and found that until recently, writers haven't really managed to reach that level of darkness.

This was very poorly researched. If you had bothered to read Clarke's own word in the essay the laws originated in (Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure of Imagination), about what his "3 Laws of Prediction" detailed, you'd quickly notice him saying that the laws were for new Sci-fi writers. Many of them failed to avoid

I completely and wholehearted agree, there does seem to be a major "old school gender role" reenforcement among many readers. But this is likely because the majority of DC and Marvel readers are adults who grew up with such values.

You beat me to it. ^_^ But i still have to add something to your thorough list, that only compounds the idiocy of these kinda activists.

An invented language that has already seen its first linguistic evolution through dialect adoption? That's actually quite interesting, to say the least.