
I spotted at least three pics with full frontal and genitalia that were (apparently) fashion instead of porn. Since the site is in Italian it's probably using European fashion *snicker* spreads instead of the tamer stuff from the US.

Basically, Baxter did that super annoying and patronizing thing of writing a piece that was all about "You're doing it wrong because you're not doing it like ME" and not about finding any abuses of funders or lies in the original entreaties.

I agree, on all points. *The Vagenda* is a great feminist read that's managed to sustain the buzz it created when it launched close to 2 years ago. Holly and Rhiannon are also regular contributors to *The New Statesman*, another feather in their cap which I happen to think they've earned.

"Guys. That was a tongue-in-cheek article about crowdfunding. While I welcome criticism, please stop threatening to "shank" me"

These types of filters are hella problematic. Most schools in the UK (idk about schools in other countries) already have these sort of safe-filter blocks on their internet access that are supposed to block the bad stuff but inevitably end up blocking a lot of the good stuff, too. I remember trying to access an LGBT

Odds/under on the amount of time that will pass before a socialist website/blog gets 'accidentally' caught in the coalition-approved spam filters? Remember that Cameron is the shameless piece of shit who tried to ban unions from donating to political parties because he knew it would nigh-on-exclusively harm Labour,

I don't like how you're kicked off as soon as you get it wrong. I can't get out of the single digits! Although, I'm not really in the mood for these pics, so, not sorry.

Yes, because you can tell fashion from porn based on a picture of someones face alone.


new game, porn or picture from a business magazine, we'll crop every picture to only show their nose.

Also It's stupid because you get one wrong and you fail the entire test, Why don't you let me take the entire test and then give

The pictures are intentionally cropped to make it difficult to differentiate fashion from porn. The same could be done with, say, sunscreen ads.

Some of these (before) pictures are just faces or eyes. I feel that the test is a bit skewed, and it'd be a lot more effective if they just got the raciest fashion ads and showed them in full. A lot of them would look like porn anyway. There's no need to resort to what appears to be manipulation. Even old-timey ads

Par for the fucking course for Reddit, sadly.

These men do themselves no favours at all. There are lots of constructive things they could do - support male victims (or better still all victims), work with others to deal with some of the causes of rape and stop trivialising rape by making false allegations as some form of bizarre method of protest. Shameful and

I despise this sort of intellectually lazy kneejerk hate.

Seriously, MRAs: fuck you. You're a waste of oxygen and space. There are legitimate issues that gender roles create for men: our culture overlooks sexual assault and domestic violence that happens to men and encourages them not to report, it acts like women are the real parents and dads are incidental (e. g., there

The whole idea of a god seems pretty antithetical to anarchy... at least the Christian god, who's basically an absolute dictator that throws out arbitrary rules like "no homo."

Things can change very quickly. When it was completed in 1972, Jardine House was the tallest building in Hong Kong, a title it kept for eight years. Today, Jardine House does not even place in the top 120 tallest buildings in the city, and is only 37% as tall as top spot holder International Commerce Center.

The Great Pyramid even dwarfed The Colossus of Rhodes in height back in its heyday. But then again,The Colossus was the only monument ever where every ship that came into the harbor was forced to behold its colossal junk...

Ive been a respectful, intelligent poster on huffpo for years, with hundreds of fans and a good rep. That doesnt mean I want my personal information out on the interwebz for all to see. My wife is even more adamant against this than I am. Theres absolutely no reason to require people to use real, personal

Arianna is a liar along with her staff. Back in August there was a promise that all commentators would be grandfathered in and did not need Facebook link. Yesterday to comment ALL needed a facebook link. I will not due FB and lots won't either.

Ive decided to bitch on every article relating to huffpo. They changed their posting requirements, now you have to use your real name on your posts. Even after saying you wouldnt need to use your real name. Im still royally pissed.