
I don't think this is true. I think you be shocked and dismayed be the type of people who engage in this. They are probably people you meet throughout your day, colleges kids, high school boys, teachers, bankers, plumbers, cab drivers, husbands, brothers, wives... The sheer number of people who do this precludes it

I'm a teacher. I'm also incredibly into me, so I take nude pics of myself all the time. I also have videos that I send to my partners... this combination (being a teacher and having nude pictures of myself on my computer/email) now terrifies me.

Agreed - at a minimum you would think that women who had photos taken as documentation by their surgeons should not have to risk any repercussions, nor should women who didn't even pose for photos. And if we're just talking about Playboy-style nudes (as compared to porn-type images) how is this something people should

I can't decide what's more frustrating - that people like Hunter Moore exist or that people are so up tight over nudity that a woman can lose her job over private photos leaked for all the world to see.

I thought the link to this article was on the front page of one of the Gawker sites - because I definitely didn't notice the date, but it's possible it was in one of Gawker's new similar-content/recommended boxes that's automatically inserted right in the middle of an article. I've noticed lately that some of those

What these men did was disgusting, but, not accepting funds does a disservice to the women who willingly participated under the assumption money would be donated to breast cancer research/foundation/patients/etc.. Since I work in oncology, I've pondered how I would feel about receiving these funds, and my concern was

It's because their interest isn't in the philanthopy, it's in the PR. Awful humans.

Great thighs. They are a thing of beauty and she works hard at them! Why slim them down?!

Indeed it should. Jezebel, you even wrote that she wishes to remove her online presence as much as possible. So do the good thing, help her out and delete that link!

Ugh, I'm certainly not doubting the veracity of this but it nonetheless makes no sense. If a person who is mentally incompetent signs a contract and commits themselves to payments, from what I know they can usually have those things voided if their mental incapacity can be proved in a court.

However, somehow this

I just came down to the comments to say exactly that. That link should really be taken down. It makes this article complicit in her objectification.

Why the fuck do you guys post a link to a thread that contains all kind of naked pictures of her? You write an article about how posting images of herself has messed up her life and then you this? Not good Jezebel, not good at all <_<

I have to wonder whether or not this is born of sensationalism. Don't many people who die of hanging* lose their pants? Your body just goes slack in a way it never has before and gravity does the rest? And in prison, you're not allowed to have a belt . . . so . . . we conclude he was fapping how? Because he was

When do men feel most unattractive?

Ugh, Caitlin Moran's characterization of feminism is forehead-smackingly simplistic, to the point of being damaging.

Real talk black people don't care about Miley this outrage/ interest is a mainstream media thing. I would encourage people to go out of their comfort zones and check out blogs POC media. For example on bossip they laughed at how poorly executed the performance was ( given the origins of the dance black strip clubs).

But I think there are methods on instructing the modern teenagers on internet safety without coming off like some old fuddy-duddy from Tom Brown.

Fuck Michael Gove. Fuck him with a claw hammer. Literally every time he opens his mouth he comes out with some bullshit that basically amounts to "things were better in the 50s."

While the GTA's that were an issue (3 and above) didn't land until I was well into high school, I was certainly a product of Mortal Kombat and similar games and was playing those when I was 11... In America...