This is getting to the point where it’d be like if book publishers allowed fan fiction to be sold as extra chapters for an e-book. I’m not saying mods are as bad as most fan fiction, mind you, but that is kind of how it feels. Some fan fiction can be good and the authors deserve recognition. However, most aren’t and…
I wonder what CD Projekt is going to think about all those ported assets from Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings being sold by modders as “new” armors.
Yeah. Hell, why even bother patching the game? Let modders do it, and even make a neat profit from it.
That would require more QA and curation than Steam has shown they could ever provide.
Not really sure what to think of this just yet.
They won’t. It will be “community managed”.
I thought Bethesda wasn’t going to charge for bad DLC after the Oblivion horse armor incident.
I’m guessing you didn’t read the article. There’s more ramifications than just slapping a price on a mod. Read what the owner of Nexus said. Many mods are made using content provided by other people. Many codes, scripts, meshes, and skins are shared among the modding community in the understanding that its a hobby and…
So now if these mods break my game who is responsible? Does this have the same problem as Nintendo and other IP owners with others making bank on their stuff? Before there was no money, now they guy claims he can make *millions* so guessing developers and other licencees will start paying attention.
I simply view this as I do many things in our society.
Sadly from what I’ve seen from comments on Steam, and here, is this is going to turn out a lot like DLC.
I have them listed by game (with a link), Achievement Name, (Global %), and how it's unlocked.
That's because very few people in the former colonies seem to know how to make tea properly.
Good to see that "Hey, look at these breasts! Now go play Microtransactions: The Game!" is still a hilariously effective marketing strategy.
Instead of arguing against things like Page-3 girls with the complaint that it teaches men to objectify women how about shifting the onerous away from governments and corporations and on to parent as it should be. Bring a child up to be a gentleman instead and the problem goes away. Banning things like Page-3 and…
Unless he said using condoms is fine, that isn't going to change shit. He basically just told people to fuck less, because OF COURSE they will /sarcasm. The same people only risked things like HIV and having more children than they could feed or survive before.