
I get the concern about Miley's use of black women as sexualized props as well as her use of ratchet culture as a form of entertainment comparable with a minstrel show. But the kind of criticism I've seen on the interwebs today assaults Miley as a woman. We're talking about her body, her clothes, her gestures, her

Oh my god, the cat in the background made me crack up so hard haha

I really have trouble finding anything funny about this; it sounds just horrifying. Imagine being 23 years old, so desperately ashamed of your sexual desires that you believe you will never be able to have a sexual or romantic relationship with anyone. Ever. That you will spend the rest of your life masturbating

What a life. Be born attractive. Do a basic human function on camera. Be lauded as a hero.

Why does being a porn star make you a celebrity on jezebel?

Donnie Darko. Someone has posted the clip, above.


I totally forgot. I guess I need to reread My Guide to Womanhood.

Eh, I could not care less of there was a breastfeeding pic of me on Reddit. How would that make ME look bad? It would just make whoever posted it look like an idiot.

Relevant to our interests :-)

People have called this woman fat? She looks like the the the the I HAVE NO WORDS! who could think She is fat? I gotta go back to bed.

When they decided to annualize the IP, that's when it symbolically died for me. Let's face it and get real, whether it be movies or games, annualizing releases quickly ruin the quality of the IP thus running it and the respect it once had into the ground with it. Good media needs time to cook right to perfection and

That's like 90% of everyone.

I agree. I think this would have worked better if the men were exemplifying a 'male ideal' in the same way that the women in the original video exemplified a 'female' ideal (i.e., thin, beautiful, sexual etc). The guys needed to be muscly and "man"-ish and shown to have massive packages or something. The campy

This pic of JGL works because it sends up the premise of garter belts being feminine - and he's someone who's identified (through film roles) as being straight. The video falls flat it feminizes men to objectify them, rather than hyper-masculinizing to make its point. It's the difference of Brad Pitt donning a dress

Um, okay, well the twink in me personally loves this video, but I don't understand why the men had to wear overdone makeup in the video for it to be a gender swap. Because it comes off as a little strange giving the men in the video 'women things' while the women in the original weren't outfitted with 'men things',

I'm a man so maybe I just do not get this but why does everything every woman on the planet does have to be judged on the FEMALE EMPOWERMENT SCALE?

If you're going to call out her headline, I'm gonna have to call out yours, how about "XOJane lied and said her rape happened at Disneyworld?" Your headline makes it sound like she lied about the actual rape, not just its location. Perhaps their headline was attention-grabby but it was only slightly inaccurate.