
How is only listening to people who agree with your predetermined stance in anyway democratic?

I had the same problem with the natural frown, the irony is the people who told me to smile just made the natural frown into an actual frown which of course only made them say 'cheer up' even more.

I agree.

I think the it's probably best just to say nothing in general about the way women or a particular woman looks, unless she asks you for you're opinion or you're in a relationship of some sort with her.

I think porn is a lot like other media, they look and sound the same to everyone but how a person reacts will depend largely on that persons fundamental nature and attitudes.

I'd like a firmer definition of addicted too. Too often, I feel, this word is used but no-one ever quite defines it in the context of porn. Is it based on how many times in a given time-frame, is it based upon how much time it consumes compared to other activities that person does and/or disruptive it is to that

That's a very fair comment. Too often when if comes to pornography people fall into two camps, one that despises it entirely and one that defends entirely.

That's how I read it. Lately I've become quite wary when reports are based on perceptions, it might indicate an agenda being pushed.

The cynic in me thinks that all this is to make sure the kings of old had a large workforce to work the fields, be called upon to fight their wars and of course pack the churches on Sundays.

Perhaps it's her way of controlling her breathing and keeping a sense of rhythm.

Lexx was unique from beginning to end in my opinion. I don't think any show before or since, has blended sci-fi, comedy, fantasy and the occasional bit of nudity in the same way.

I was typing under the influence. It was rambling post that didn't have much point I agree.

Does it require seeing it as demeaning?

Not all science is bad, science that improves the method(s) of killing people (after they have been born of course) is usually endorsed by these people.


This reminds me of a complaint that the BBFC recieved that demanded a singer (I forget her name) not be allowed to star in a film because she had performed a sexy dance on a TV show.

It probably would blow his mind. I know that people have a right to privacy but when someone comes out with a statement like that I'd like to look on their computers for... material that might make them look like hypocrites.

Didn't the Supreme Court say that laws criminalising sodomy where invalid? It might not be an explicit right but not being able to criminalise something is a pretty close second.

I hear conflicting reports about how large sporting events effect local prostitution. Some say that they fuel it, others that it stays the same and I've read that in some cases large sporting events damage profits (largely due to the local police cracking down on it). The reports tend to be quite partisan depending on