
There's probably an element of trying to acquire or preserve status in it, much of everything else we humans do in general seems to have some element of it. A linked aspect is the expression of wealth or imitating as best we can the style of those with considerable wealth.

Is it possible to get the desired effect of cocaine by inserting it there? I'm unsure (is that good thing or bad?).

It just seems pathetic from every angle to me. I mean it's one thing to see something you shouldn't have seen by accident and get thrill out of it, it's another to publish it on the internet.

In the era of the internet I'm surprised that picture even merits note from a 'titillation' point of view.

The mother of my cat was very much like that, she was tolerant of her kittens' misbehaviour up to a point then she used to lash out suddenly. She was the same with people, friendly but when she had enough she'd let you know it.

Does anyone else sense of "moral panic" developing globally in regards to the internet?

In my opinion the rot set in after the New Caprica arc. It spawned the Final Five mystery that consumed the writers and fans of the show for far too long.

Hmm... legit or not seeing Pornhub on the side of van like that would definitely make me think twice about using their services (if I had breasts of course).

The woman in the photo looks familiar.

To be honest I don't think Portman was particularly convincing in her role either.

The show acknowledged that the relationship wasn't particularly convincing I think. Riley says at some point that he knows Buffy doesn't love him.

Wasn't it claimed that some of her 'employees' were underage? I seem to remember there was some talk of it in the comments the last time this story was raised.

I agree, the Daily Mail (in the UK) has had 3 headlines about internet porn in relation to kids accessing it in the last week but you can see from its references to porn as 'filth' that it takes issue with far more than its accessibility. This kind of language makes people suspicious of the motivations and the end

How is passing food from mouth to mouth more unsanitary than kissing?

There is quite a debate brewing about filtering internet porn in the UK, well a handful of MPs and a newspaper that condemns the pornification of society but has no issue about publishings pictures of women various states of undress on the most dubious of grounds.

I guess "tact" isn't or wasn't in the NBC executive vocabulary.

If Gaga does perform will these people assume God approves of her music?

A bit of trivia. Sex toys are legally considered porn in France, if I recall correctly.

I recall that Deepthroat was shot with violent treats too.

My thinking is along the line of "aspects of a person". Every person has several different aspects, from their interests, hobbies, religion, politics, family etc. and we share those aspects with each other to varying degrees. Most adults have a sexual aspect to them and share that sexual aspect with other people's