
General rule of thumb, if your getting hot within a few minutes of staying in the sun don't linger in it any longer.

Wouldn't heat sensitive eyes be good on an ice planet?

Rickons scene did feel clumsy.

That's pretty much how I felt about the series and in order too.

I don't like most of the scenes Ros has been in. Every scene she's in I feel could have been devoted to other more interesting characters.

Season 1 has pretty much followed Book 1 so far, though I've read that certain parts of Book 1 have been deferred to Season 2.

It also has handy character lists at the back.


Pornography promoting a videogame. Thanks for backing up a stereotype with such immorality.

The same for me.

The game will end with him fathering a child. The games internal logic demands this.

If I were Nintendo I'd seriously look into the possibility.

I'm not opposed to such a feature. So long as the player is not rewarded for taking the easy road as he would if he had taken the hard.

It is mentioned in a conversation that is almost word for word as portrayed in the TV series as it was in the first book.

I wasn't equating you with anything, I was stating that some people regard pornography as degrading whatever the form or who produces it and asking whether you acknowledge that this opinion, that counters your own, exists.

You are aware that many feminists believe that porn in whatever it's form, who participates and producers it degrades the persons in it by reducing them in it to merely sexual objects for self gratification of the viewer. They also suggest that it effects the viewers in other ways, reducing the ability to see others

Damn it Jim...

I didn't think this episode was particularly bad. Not the greatest overall but I always thought The Pack and Nightmares were the worst of season 1.

Aren't Tusken Raiders basically using the old notion of the desert wandering tribes who attacks outsiders and/or steals their stuff?