As someone who is 25, and already in the 60th percentile of American incomes, given just how hard it is to feed and clothe myself after paying rent and transportation costs, I can't even imagine how bad it is for the people on the bottom right now. It's depressing as hell.

Oligarchy you say? Around here, we call it FREEDOM!

You don't want to be a guy with $8 million in Detroit with no cops.


Ever hear of a 'phone book'? The technology to find someone's address when you have their name and number has been around probably longer than you have.

Things this is still missing that could make a huge difference in overall efficiency:

Since bikes are easy to service you should probably do a full service on the bike yourself before you sell, and show documentation on all of the parts you might replace. Easy stuff like fluid flushes cost nothing, detailing is easy for DIY, and you can even knock out some more expensive services like a valve clearance

Incidentally, if you don't have housing, you absolutely need a cellphone, or your chances of finding work to get out of that mess (which is bad enough thanks to job discrimination against homeless people) goes from slim to none. No permanent address and no phone number? no job. No exceptions.

Can't be bothered? kindly go fuck yourself.

FYI, any smartphone "HDR" setting is really just a filter applied via some processing tricks to 'fake' an HDR-like look using the raw sensor data in the phone. It isn't really an HDR (although to be fair, it does offer slightly higher dynamic range than a regular photo with the sensor)

These things are designed to use very little power and could potentially run their monitoring for a very long time, although the bluetooth connectivity is decidedly inefficient and would likely need frequent recharging if it sends data to the phone at any reasonable interval. this could be accomplished via an external

you know, I'm actually kind of disappointed these things won't use a camera and facial recognition to scrape privacy-violating info databases and deliver targeted ads to the people who look at it.

Congratulations, you paid $700 for a phone you could buy for $10. Hope the Apple d sucking was worth it.

*bows* I'll be here all day.

If I was, would I be making sarcastic comments poking fun at people who do?

I wonder if it even occurred to the designer that the place below the dispenser nozzle is where the nasty congealed soap collects when it drips, so really you're just smearing the back of your hand in that every time now.


Ok that's fair too, but at least I see gauntlet/bracer used interchangeably a lot more than fur/leather. The latter isn't a mistake anyone who's ever played any RPG ever would make.

OK, Cred++

More likely it's a sign that you're communicating via text messages.