
Cool. I can't wait for them to kill it.

Incidentally, already been (the former), and A) the height wasn't bothersome for me, and B) the slope is only extreme in increments, so really you're pretty much never looking at a straight drop, and again, it's a surreality thing. Because of the distances involved and vagueness of the drop, your brain just doesn't

If it seeds the RNG via accelerometer data, then I'd be impressed. Also as someone else said, this really should be sold as a matching pair (optionally one without the device.) Finally, that's not a leather gauntlet, it's 'fur' (faux). I mean seriously, accuracy much? At least you're right on one thing... this is

bonus points if the commercials are 6x the audio volume of the show.

Except most of the time when it gets to youtube like that in a maximum 240p, with about a 100p highly compressed video in the center of the black box.

incidentally beyond a certain height the surrealism of it kinda detracts from the fear of falling. Between a 20 story building and a 60 story one, you're just as likely to die if you fall, except if you go high enough the ground just doesn't seem as real to you, like looking out of an airplane window... a view like

My favorite is when they take a letterboxed widescreen video in 4:3, and then re-letterbox it to make it widescreen again, so you have black bars on all sides and a tiny little video in the middle.

That is the UGLIEST paint job I have ever seen on a supercar.

Only when installing hardware upgrades. It stays on 24/7, gets rebooted for major software updates, and gets put into standby if I'm away from the house for an extended period and don't need it doing anything (power bills are expensive here. If that wasn't the case, I would just always leave it on.) It's on a UPS with

In every argument there's always someone you wish you didn't have on your side.

Yeah, this is a trap I fall into as well. It's hard to argue against the position when you're too busy arguing against the stupid. People who abuse fallacies like that are a huge peeve of mine and it's really hard not to shoot back. The sad fact of the matter is that the 'right-wing types' you describe make up roughly

If it's personal rather than political, you bet. That said, if you're in politics, things like racism, classism, sexism are considered political issues, because of social policy-making. The ad-hominem problem is where someone tries to invalidate a logical argument via character assassination on unrelated issues, or

You'd be surprised. 3G data is spotty as hell up there, but text works well enough.

Old news. Every day my facebook changes from non-existent to still non-existent.

As I've pointed out repeatedly before, you can still opt out of using facebook.

It doesn't send it right away. It makes a ton of loud noise and starts a programmable countdown timer during which time you'll be able to press the big red cancel button at any time to prevent it from sending out the message. Obviously the person it sends the text to knows I'm using it and to try calling me first

My experience with these disk enclosures is that they fail, a lot. I've done data recovery for a lot of people who have brought in a dead external drive, which was a RAID 0 or RAID 1 enclosure with a pair of drives, and 90% of the time it was the drive controller that failed, and if it was RAID 0 we've had to source

Learn about logical fallacies, and do your research. 99% of heated, moronic political arguments involve confirmation bias, appeal to tradition, slippery slope, strawman, ad-hominem, or blatant disregard for readily available facts. This is especially true since GOP made scientific approach a partisan issue, and often

There's already an app for that. (and various others)