Good luck passing that in Florida

Man, thanksgiving dinners at this guy's house must be -tense-.

haha, promoted by a tire company. I love it. Finally something capitalism is good for.

How could you have a car like that and NOT turn it into an amphibious vehicle? That thing just SCREAMS speedboat car.

It looks pretty neat, but if I wanted an indestructible go-anywhere wagon, I'd just settle on a tried and proven AMC Eagle... and furthermore, it would be WAY less than $7k. CP.

I'm amused that someone brings this up because I also checked this last night, and that is not my account or email address. Kudos for trying though.

Crap, you guys are on to me. Now I have to go through all the hassle of having it legally changed again.

I'm pretty sure the Venom beats the snot out of the Veyron on both counts. It's much lighter and quicker than the Bugatti.

Black cars are the worst, but a white car is still worse than any other color excepting black.

Well, let's see... I don't have a facebook and never will. I don't use any services linked to facebook/g+. I don't use any services that demand personally identifiable information to register. I don't use any services that require you register at all if there's no legitimate reason for you to need to register. I never

Are you kidding? I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do when Microsoft finishes burying MSN, and we hit the end of the iGoogle period. Seems you can't rely on anything anymore.

Not to mention you'd wash it EVERY DAMN DAY and it would still look FILTHY.

old shitty beater car parking.

I have one of these:

If I had to guess, he left it running so the AC would stay on and keep the pooch from cooking while he was inside.

That really doesn't change the fact that it's uglier than my ex-wife.

As someone who is 25, and already in the 60th percentile of American incomes, given just how hard it is to feed and clothe myself after paying rent and transportation costs, I can't even imagine how bad it is for the people on the bottom right now. It's depressing as hell.

Oligarchy you say? Around here, we call it FREEDOM!

You don't want to be a guy with $8 million in Detroit with no cops.

Since bikes are easy to service you should probably do a full service on the bike yourself before you sell, and show documentation on all of the parts you might replace. Easy stuff like fluid flushes cost nothing, detailing is easy for DIY, and you can even knock out some more expensive services like a valve clearance