
So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Should have picked Louisville’s huddle. He probably would have lasted a good fifteen seconds.

Guy got drunk and high before operating a motor vehicle. He crashed, killed everyone, and now it’s the lawyer who is the problem?

you cannot guard a man who exists in the silvery slipspace between the waking world and the dream world

Did anyone try yelling “Stop resisting!” over and over again? That legitimizes the force.

Or dead.

The whole Zen Master thing was always bullshit.

Jackson has been able to click with certain star players and get them to produce but yes, his talents as a coach and manipulator of egos are probably somewhat overstated (and here, he’s not a coach, so his interactions with Melo are very different from what his interactions with Jordan/Kobe/etc were).

Jesus, Russell Crowe has really let himself go.

Fine, Oakley was wrong, but the Knicks do suck and Dolan does deserve to be murdered for not managing the team to my liking.

“The Oak Man was swishin’ and dishin’, shovin’ and wrastlin’, boxin’ out like it was Laimbeer and Rodman down there.”

Weird, I watched the videos and it shows them asking him to leave then him swinging on people. I am pretty sure it makes him look bad.

“James Dolan built up Cablevision and MSG Co. with just a small $1 million loan from his father.” - NY Knicks PR

He was quoted in Newsday as saying he was upset because he just wanted Gizmodo to be about technology and not so much with the politics and all that stuff.

God I fucking miss this guy!

Let’s remember some other presidents:
Benjamin Harrison

They’re a bit too gritty to be considered moochers, I think.

I’m not sure, but sharing a 3 bedroom apartment with bro and his gf doesn’t cross it.

Since always my man

This is some weird ass basketball.