
I can’t tell if you’re being serious. Kevin Durant has confirmed that he creates dummy twitter accounts to defend himself online, so...

That’s how reddit works too. You subscribe to different sub-reddits and ignore the bad ones.

“He prefers the company of men!”

He dribbled. Watch the replay.

Holy fuck, who would walk into a Gamestop and buy anything?

Good to see that someone at deadspin HQ survived today’s twitter napalming.

You’re a genius.

Except for Trump, who is evil. Right?

“History repeats itself” is really just another way of saying “Human nature doesn’t change.” If you can’t see the patterns in history because the details are always different, you’re missing the point.

“Some things you just can’t really explain..”

Thank you. That touchdown total is a mirage; Jordy’s looked ready for the glue factory all season.

BRO. Did you just use a semi-colon as a disjunction? Check yourself.

Counterpoint: Bronson is unwatchable.

Threw rocks at prairie dogs, and somehow pegged one right in the head. He seemed ok, but I’ve spent my entire life worrying about possibly brain damaging that poor little guy.

“I told my date that I don’t eat paninis, because the bread abrades the roof of my mouth.”

Not the best women’s fighter, THE MOST DOMINANT FIGHTER EVER PERIOD!

It’s a reddit meme.

Oh, is it rather obvious? IS IT?

Holy shit, your first comment was serious!

I’ve been a Simmons reader since the page 2 days; he’s generally an entertaining idiot, but this was stunning and should go on his tombstone.