
I don’t care one way or the other about Durant joining the Warriors, but the fact that he’s creating fake accounts and arguing with Twitter eggs makes me think at least some part of him isn’t entirely comfortable with everything that went down.

KD’s heel turn doesn’t seem to be going very well, despite the ring.

Flat earthers believe the layout of continents is like that of the UN logo, so east west and north will work the same as if you were some brainwashed round earther. They believe that since you cannot travel across Antarctica that’s where the edge is.

That type of logic is a pillar of the Round-Earth conspiracy. Everyone knows that the world really works on Asteroids rules, wherein if you travel off the edge of one screen you appear from the edge of the next.

Just follow the trail to Big Rand McNally.

I bet most people (including maybe me?) couldn’t name 15 elements. They know the earth is a three-dimensional spherical object tho.

What I’m curious about is where does he think the edge of earth is, that people are lying about? Is it impossible to fly from Tokyo to LA without backtracking over Europe? Or to get from London to NYC, do people have to secretly backtrack over Asia?

because at the edge of the earth is where you find happiness and the Illuminati are trying to keep you away from it.

That’s what THEY want you to believe. #staywoke

Seriously, what exactly do flat earthers think is the reason for the deception here? OK, so you think this is a facade to get you to believe that the earth is round when it isn’t. Why!?! Why would someone want you to believe that?

My only explanation is that maybe JUST MAYBE a guy who has focused on basketball his entire life and has more than likely couldn’t name 15 elements off of the periodic table is very stupid in every other subject other than basketball. He’s so ignorant of the mounds of evidence out there, that he is in a matter of

He does make a good point: it sure is awfully convenient that it takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate, and a year to orbit the Sun.

Unsportsman-like conduct. This is a good move by the ref.

It’s probably for taunting. Look at the other teams bench, this seems like he’s just being a dick to some completely overmatched kid from a school that barely even has a team.

And the overwrought prose to match, interrupted briefly by a “because X” grating-Jezebel-commenter turn of phrase.

He has forgotten when Nate Diaz choked him out and he couldn’t deal with it and was gifted a rematch that he narrowly won.

Paul Pierce was the finals MVP in 08. But ok.

Back in my pick-up-point-guard-glory days, I would often throw a fancy pass (behind the back or over the shoulder) into a gap/space between defenders that it would make sense for a teammate to filling, even without seeing someone. Probably 25% of the time it would be a horrific unforced turnover but it worked out

It seems all but guaranteed that he will go on to become the first player since Oscar Robertson in 1961-62 to average a triple-double for a whole season.

Can we get someone else to write soccer articles?