"Are we really just going to sit around and let this happen to another potentially awesome movie?"
"Are we really just going to sit around and let this happen to another potentially awesome movie?"
"According to Nintendo, topics at the new conference will include details about the planned November update for the Nintendo 3DS as well as more information about Mario Kart 7 features and functions."
Batman: Year One is still my favorite Batman graphic novel of all time, and one of my favorite comics ever. Glad to see this was done well.
"The effects relied too much on things that weren't real to look and seem real. The characters didn't seem like people. The bad guys didn't make any sense. The story was wooden where it needed to be supple, plastic where it needed to be crystal, and tin where it needed to be steel."
"I find the most erotic part of a woman to be the boobies!"
I believe the anaconda measurement has to do the equation buns = her + rice&beans/white men shouting
Saw it tonight. It was awesome. I also saw it in a theater with people really into it and getting pumped up, and I was one of those people. Great movie.
I don't mind this new look at all. I wouldn't have even minded GINO if the movie wasn't so god awful. But this has me excited. Hell, the fact that it's less CG more creature effects is already a huge plus.
I was going to post this as well. I agree, this was poetic!
I think the huge difference is that with a Comic Book Movie, you get to see the stories you love reading and looking at come to life. However, with a Video Game Movie, especially with today's current video games, the stories are already brought to life AND you get to participate in said story. I mean, Metal Gear Solid…
OH yeah, well I'm gonna go ahead and build my own manned space station! With Blackjack. And Hookers!
I don't really think anyone is shocked here. You don't need to be on a huge swamp planet balancing yourself on one hand while trying to learn the force just to get a premonition that this was going to sell well even with the changes.
I was told playing Dr. Mario would help me cure most diseases. I've been hornswaggled!
In the future world of Batman Beyond, it was called Splicing!
Almost there. I just hope I don't get Cyberbrain Sclerosis
It's really amazing how sickening I find these changes. More and more I really question just how much Lucas actually had to do with making the original trilogy any good, because with the prequels plus all these little tweaks and shit, it's painfully obvious that he doesn't know how to tell a story. Character Arcs?…
Personally I would've separated US cartoons/shows and Anime. But that's me.
I thought Dimoxidil already did that?
No Farscape? Siiiiiiiiigh.
Honestly, it doesn't matter either way. When you continue to vote for a two party system where you are "voting for the lesser of two evils" guess what? You're still voting for evil. The sad fact is that despite a few difference here and there, 90% of the people in our govt. are more or less all the same. The few that…