
That or "Sigh" pretty much sums everything up nicely.

Really.....what else is there to say....

There's really one simple reason why Iron Man works over Green Lantern, and that's because Iron Man had a much easier and simpler story, and one that was also told way better. Green Lantern had good ideas, but just executed them extremely poorly. I've said before, they could've just translated Green Lantern: Secret

This show cannot come back fast enough. I'll be downloading Jacket as soon as I get home. It will be memorized by the end of the day.

Love my Gundam Models. I still need so many more.

I swear if I see high box office numbers for the Prequels in 3D next year, I just give up.

Puppets held Farscape back? It was easily one of the things I found so endearing and awesome about the show. Aliens that actually didn't just all look like humanoids.

And this is why we have the Spy Kids movies instead.

Well, just got home from seeing it. Quite frankly, I thought it was awful. Mind you, the action was decent, Momoa was a good Conan, and the opening scene with young Conan was pretty awesome. But, that's really it. The pacing of this & the transitions were very poorly done, the dialog was very predictable, as in as

I give the net a couple more hours!

Will we see attack ships on fire off the....yeah I'm still nervous!

#13, Crom laughs at your four winds!

I believe this is more commonly known as the Barry White Philosophy!

Screw off, Magnus! Apes are the real future, not you mutant scum!

I thought this movie was not only excellent, but one of the best prequels I've ever seen.

I also saw a select screener of this. This movie is freakin' awesome! GET DAT SNITCH!


It's more the Jeph Loeb that worries me.

"- Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness are resurrecting Cable this December. "