Wow. I did not know how bad I wanted this.
Wow. I did not know how bad I wanted this.
Well, someone has to be "that guy."
That just seems rude. How they cuntinue to stay in business is quimpossible for me to fathom.
OK nintendo listen to me. I am a bottom of the barrel consumer when shows are made for the dumbed down audience, and games are created for the lowest common denominator, I am that audience. I know what the fat lazy american wants and your main goal should be to tell us that its not a matter of want, its a matter of…
The point is that she does this on purpose to get reactions like this out of people. It's the whole point of her Youtube channel.
by exposing their immaturity she is also exposing her own.
Yes, but this is her entire youtube channel. She purposefully ignores people and then posts their desperate attempts to get attention. She's just as bad as they are.
I agree with all the comments here but I also think it's pretty shitty to make videos like this while you just sit there and make stupid faces.
Yay! I get to point out one that they missed!
"Hurr hurr nintendon't innovate. I guess duh wii wii is cool if you want lyke one kiddie game per munth that has all kinda gay colors and no forty five minute cutscenes.
Everything about the Dreamcast is win, including its pricing. RIP friend.
Are you an American? If so, you're a stupid one.
Carry on, folks.
She was a tourist, you never know!
[logs on]
And you thought Celine Dion was the biggest gash to come out of Quebec.
Joel was actually really nice to that one.
More Shaffer and Reggie. I think in the last few years we've seen that Tim's pretty shoddy with money and time, plus for all that money Broken Age barely looks better than a flash game.
And Reggie's never even made a fucking game in his life, he's just a suit who got a few…
That's The Wire...
He insults media that is meant to be insulted... their Youtube videos of people laughing at not with you.