
Unpleasant to be certain, but we should address the elephant in the room-a scam only works if the person the scam is done to someone in a way where the false statment could be plausibly true or could be considered in character to a casual observer...

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I want to make the sexy times with that guy’s brain.

KaijiroCW must have discovered my secret love of Skullomania.

Not their classiest joke but the first PA I’ve enjoyed since the blacklisting hypocrisy debacle lol

So, technically Activision’s reply was essentially ‘Oh you really don’t like it? Then I guess you won’t actually buy it then, will you? WILL YOU? AHAHAHAHAHA’

Yeah, but it’s cool, I don’t care where you’re from, just that you’re not a moron. Can I get a Sieg Heil?!

Not at all-if there’s a specific demographic or age group doing something that is almost universally accepted as useless, dumb and/or annoying then surely it can’t be going too far if we suggest that there’s something fundamentally wrong with that group of people in the first place?

Now that he’s accepted that he needed to tone down the lens flares and stadium quality spotlighting in the background of every shot, I’m starting to enjoy his work. There was good stuff in there but I had to watch with sunnies on.

Yeah pretty much. *sighs*

So, what exactly does ‘no fun’ constitute here? Does it not work? Is the product itself broken or somehow lighter on features than the Xbone version? Explain yourself, don’t just vomit out ‘Star Wars’ and wait for clicks. Disappointing ‘article’.


I’ve just seen him murder my hopes of a good Bats and Supes movie as dead as Bruce’s superflously oft-killed parents, so I think we’ve had quite enough of that for a bit.

Fun fact: there’s around 170 words in this ‘article’. Read ALL of them before starting in with the ‘B-b-but that not all of the Bond films! Waaaah!’ because you’re giving the human race an even worse reputation than it already has with your disturbingly short attention span.

This needs to be an alternate track on the blurays.

You’re thinking of Tony Stark in the recent movies (not the comics where he’s an even bigger egomaniac and an alcoholic to boot).

Last time they tried that, we got the Clooney/nipple years. At least when they go grimdark, they don’t screw around.

I’m ok with this.


I would have liked to see that as a spin off or one of their weirder themed games, although it is a little too close to Tekken etc.