
I want to cosplay as her sports bra.

Do yourself a favor and get Final Fantasy VII right now off of Steam or PSN.

Let’s see, FFVII had 1 main game, 3 spin-offs, was referenced/camoed in all 7 KH games, had characters in 4 fighting games, had a movie and OVA, was rereleased on PS4 just last year, is getting a HD remake, AND YOU CAN’T RECOGNIZE ONE OF THE PRINICIPAL CHARACTERS?!?!?!

oh wow. I mean, I’m not judging, but it is sort of sad that you don’t recognize one of the best known video game characters of the 90s. Makes me feel super old to be honest

we’ve reach to this point where some people doesn’t know Tifa Lockheart, one of the most famous video game character. I guess even hottest vide0 game character in 1997 can’t be eternal.

Truly dark times we live in today...

Fail. You, not her. And pretty self absorbed if you think she didn’t do well because YOU didn’t recognize it.

Maybe you should find another gaming site. You do not belong here.

Really? Wow...

Got to catch me first. Go get those Gysahl Greens.

Breeding the red car and blue car will create a purple car.

Can I breed and race you?

Can you breed and race the cars? If not, that’s a hard no from me.

Mouse cursor.

By the time it comes out I’ll probably have a family and will be too busy to play it as much as I like. So glad I funded it.

As someone who’s invested money in and follows the development of Star Citizen, I absolutely hate when anyone talks about it. Everyone and their dog has an opinion on it based on what they’ve heard from people who haven’t been following the games development at all.

Yeah, it’s far from done.

A bit above average, but not pornstar-level. Haven’t had any complaints, though. Any more details, you have to pay me what the Emmas make.