
Good stuff, and far superior to that watery gamer cat crap. I just scroll straight over it after the first couple.

You can’t blame them for going all in after Heroes S1, but yeah it’s a shame they didn’t realize it jumped the shark horribly in S2 and cost us some other good shows, but while the 4400 was great, I just can’t get there on Journeyman, sorry lol

Underrated comment.

Strangely hypnotic.

The conversation was about ppl using cutesy, touchy-feely reasons for things, just like the notoriously saccharine Fahey.

If people enjoy a game what is the problem?

True that. I mean I’ve had fun with my boy playing Skylanders and a couple others but it’s still a fairly crappy series of games lol

Booger or not, he’s spot on. Fahey needs to can the cutesy once in a while, it’s kind of in that ‘not sure if that soft minded or acting’ category.

That’s keys and ammo. You’ll be wanting IDDQD.

Well, the gender and dress sense had to come from someplace, the rest is up to her super deformed dad, Cap.

About time. Perhaps it will be worth playing now...

Bet your ass it was good. Makes me extra sad they cancelled Star Wars 1313 too, that would have held us over till we find out if they screw up ME4... :/

From Kristin’s Facebook post: “This has ruined his belief in Santa.”

the arcade’s staff only let them keep less than half the candy

Spoilers aplenty:

Just refresh the page a couple times. Kinja gonna kinj.

I think you could have saved yourself some typing with a ‘I agree with your post for the most part’ ;)

I’m not saying it isn’t a good game or even a great game. It could very well be many ppl’s GOTY, but it isn’t anywhere near the level or quality of many other games on that list. So often ppl have a hard time being objective and learning to tranlate that thought of ‘OMFG IT’S TEH BEST GAEM EVAR!!11!!!ONE!!!’ into “Its

I’m not saying it isn’t a good game or even a great game. It could very well be many ppl’s GOTY, but it isn’t anywhere near the level or quality of many other games on that list. So often ppl have a hard time being objective and learning to tranlate that thought of ‘OMFG IT’S TEH BEST GAEM EVAR!!11!!!ONE!!!’ into “Its

Indeed the poll is terribly exploitable, but I seriously thought I had the wrong game when I googled Undertale, having heard of it but not been aware of it in any detail. When a game like that (with an admittedly clever premise) can beat out half the things in that bracket, you know it’s a joke. Just call this year