
So what? What about adult women who are into Transformers? It’s the same freaking thing.

If you can provide any stats to back that percentage up, I’d be interested in reading about it but it doesn’t seem to match the reality presented thus far.

Alrighty then, let’s get into this, Chatty McChatterson.

Maybe I’m biased, but MLP actually has some clever writing, is/was? helmed by the creator of Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, and has wild adventures. I only watched the first two episodes (curse two-parters), and outside the breakout into song*, it was actually pretty decent. Not even terribly

As someone who deals with the sort of longterm/hardcore users this game has, I really wish MS hadn’t put it behind the MS store account with win8 and now behind a paywall (for the most part) with win10. I’m more than a little sick of angry Luddites of all ages (although typically older and/or female, sorry) taking

Wait, can’t you shoot through doors? I can’t see this working more than once as ppl will correct for it now. Still clever though.

That sounds like a situation where they’d probably be happier if they broke up to me. It would also be a good lesson for them both if that’s the way it was going-as someone who was cheated on and lost a marriage as a result, I have a zero tolerance policy and have no qualms about making sure this is understood with

Bronies and their particular brand of sad weirdness are openly creepy because they’re predominantly grown men watching a show designed for small, predominantly female, children-it has the faint whiff of being a spinoff of NAMBLA or something.

Holy shitsnacks, that has to be a Pinkham’s Law record, surely?

I genuinely can’t tell if you’re actually that petty and foolish to actually find and quote statute or just can’t handle being publicly exposed as an overcompensating douchenozzle on the interwebs and decided to double down. Kudos on your proficiency at both either way.

Or I could just be reasonable and continue to play games on my PC and not worry about shitty ports from cheaper studios like Iron Galaxy, which have historically had compatibility issues and optimization. Luckily we have very few PC games being crippled by DRM these days, as consoles have the most super-strict content

In fairness, their analogy is saying that he had a single bad burger after many good burgers from Fuddruckers but isn’t buying from Fuddruckers again regardless and will get burgers elsewhere from now on, but it’s still a silly position nonetheless lol

That’s as ridiculous as saying that after getting a piece of food stuck in your throat and almost choking on it is a reason to give up solid food.

That’s exactly the reaction I had when I saw the video of him benching 600. How even did he think that what he went with was a good call-she would have weighed nothing to him and been manageable at even 2x her size...I spose Faux News would say we should be glad he didn’t really put his arm into it and put her through

I did, and while it’s nice looking and a fun concept, it barely gets going before the credits. Save your cash and watch the stream/playthrough on youtube or better yet go read Neuromancer.

Attention whore much? lol You’ve gotta watch those double replies, it makes you look needy and of course I hadn’t replied yet, I had actual shit to do like normal ppl, as opposed to the rapid-fire vomit we’re being subjected to between your feverish but ultimately futile attempts to gain your parents acceptance and/or

Aww, wassamatter? Did the itty bitty wittle butthurt princess have a bit of a moment and realise they aren’t much good at making jokes on the interwebs? lol You’re adorable when you’re mad.

Genuine question-do these sort of demos actually sway people towards buying the things?

I really hope that was intended to be read satirically. Otherwise, sod off back to jezebel or whatever pit of foolishness from whence you came, silly little SJW.

That was meant to reply to the main post but somehow it’s ended up on yours lol...Kinja gonna Kinje I spose. True, things were a little cloistered then but it still beats the current ubiquity of console shooters :/