
Although I picked something wrong about it almost straight away it was very well made and there’s a few other half decent things on their channel so I recommend wasting a bit of your life there when you get a chance.

Who doesn’t like powdered wigs? Also, from the way that you seem to be heavily shielded from internet banter/memes and lacking familiarity with other common gaming concepts, I’m guessing you’re someone that gets crappy little functions/tidbits farmed out to them so another wow to the seemingly clueless ‘programmer’.


Is this ‘make my meat black so it’s not red anymore/suitable for vegetarians’ now a thing? I don’t remember seeing it much before and now there’s two in one post?

For your consideration.

The GIFs. Oh, my the GIFs.

Well I understand that someone with a handle like yours would be obsessed with accuracy :) but while I’m sure there’s plenty of people using it and completely missing the irony (which is unfortunate/additionally amusing), you also must be aware it’s been adopted for a different purpose by a large contingent of PC

But I also hear plenty of players complaining that ‘aim assist’ sometimes = ‘missed shot’ when the software guesses wrong so there’s an option in a large number of games to disable it, therefore there’s no excuse not to use a more precise method of control if it’s available.

Geez, whatever you do all day with a mouse+kb is really killing you inside, huh? Might wanna look into that, sounds like you’re working on a fabulous ulcer.

My suggestion there is that whatever your job is, you clearly don’t enjoy it and might want to think about a change and don’t take it out on mouse+kb mebbe?

Ah, you were more concerned about the device rather than the mouse+kb on console principle. Alrighty then, let’s go through these:

Yeah that seems to be a common choice-I was going to get a PS4 for the FFVII remake and in the meantime get into Destiny but no mouse+kb is a dealbreaker. Are you using it directly or with a dongle like the XIM/Cronus?

I can understand the confusion there-I meant it as you can’t have fun unless the controls work in a clean and efficient manner, after that it’s all good times. No matter how good looking or well polished a game is, if you can’t control it to your satisfaction then it’s just frustrating so I’m going to take a mouse+kb

Is that using the mouse+kb directly on the PS4 or using one of the adapter dongles (XIM/Chronus)?

That’s a matter of experience imho, if you’ve been raised on console (social services wll be around to arrest your parents shortly btw) then it may very well feel more natural but on an even field, the mouse+kb gamers will outmatch the controller crowd. Just watch a few games of Q3A or something fast to learn the

I can understand the confusion there-I meant it as you can’t have fun unless the controls work in a clean and efficient manner, after that it’s all good times. No matter how good looking or well polished a game is, if you can’t control it to your satisfaction then it’s just frustrating so I’m going to take a mouse+kb

I can understand the confusion there-I meant it as you can’t have fun unless the controls work in a clean and efficient manner, after that it’s all good times. No matter how good looking or well polished a game is, if you can’t control it to your satisfaction then it’s just frustrating so I’m going to take a mouse+kb

Or, if they ever want to play an FPS efficiently.
