
And why not exactly?

Point of interest, anyone else using mouse+kb on their PS4? If so, how is it and what games have you tried?

It’s like you read my mind.

Well, looks like a agree to disagree situation here, he’s not my favourite actor of all time but I thought he was great in No Country for Old Men and was half decent in The Gunman (although that wasn’t fantastic overall imho and a less impressive performance may not have been entirely his fault).

If I’m understanding your impression of him correctly, you felt the way he came off as a homosexual undercut the fucked up and ruthless things he did? That’s a strange way to look at it imho but to each their own. I felt he was a calm and intelligent sociopath, just as Bond is if you look at him critically, the

No doubt, also the fact that he’s retiring. I wasn’t trying to redefine the article, just posted the other players that came to mind in the category of good early picks in the FM games, being a comment section and all..

Sick burn, bro.

In fairness, you point out the issue somewhat yourself-this comes down to a facet of the ‘stop preordering’ argument as you’re basically getting the same game as all the preorders on day 1, just at a lower cost and without all the stupid plastic crap that will likely stay in the box and eventually fill up all

Still a far less worrying change than Eren and Mikasa getting all luvved up.

Probably because that’s what the artist thought looked cool, and since it’s their painting and preferred subject matter, go back to enjoying your Michelangelos, that’s why.

The slow grind of the bored troll.

Based on? You may not like the subject matter but they’re damn talented paintings.

While I’m right with you on Andrew Scott as Moriarty, Bardem as DE Silva in Skyfall was pretty decent imho-as best as I could tell he was gay, or at least bisexual (which makes no difference to the story unless you’re the type to get preoccupied with that sort of thing) and had a lisp because in the name of Queen and

If by ‘slow news day’ you mean ‘not cross posting wrestling stuff in lieu of popular football game related stuff’, then yes.

Yeah he’s one of the best, honorable mentions also to Eder Alvarez Balanta, Luka Jovic and Humam Tariq (and Jonathan Silva I guess, if you can afford him).

I’m glad they’re tying Quantum back into proceedings

You boring sod.

Surely there must be a few of us that aren’t drinking the Andrew Scott-Moriarty kool aid? He’s not a bad actor but a terrible choice for the greatest arch nemesis of all time. Hopefully they’ve toned his shtick down a little for this, he’s really not half bad normally.

As an almost day 1 backer and long time fan of Freelancer et al, I want nothing but greatness for this game, however we simply don’t know how good it might be just yet and that’s the problem.