
Depends how hard you ‘guide’ them...

I’d say the second video was more than sufficient to tell the story-you can just see him put out his leg to knock her off her feet during the turn into the arm bar, the only thing it doesn’t show is the impact but I’d say it’s pretty obvious how that went...

Am I the only one that gets the impression that the police have decided the solution to all the bad press about violence against black people is to start hammering on all races equally?

Could The Metal Gear Solid Lookalike Doctor Really Sue Konami?

I haven’t laughed that hard for a while, good job.

That’s not a bad save for a terrible idea but it could also have been decided by scaredy-cat execs, for whatever reasoning their diseased minds seem to use, that it would be too hard to explain in a single image without the backstory inevitably provided by the movie so they ended up right way around...

Agreed, but the ink in general is a concern-regardless of the incarnation, Mr J has always been at his core, an anarchist. He’d just as likely not bother with clothes if it wouldn’t draw attention to himself before he could execute whatever plan he has in mind, let alone get those worryingly edgy tatts-especially when

I’m not so much scared of him taking over (but he inexplicably has a way of doing that via producer credit or whatever deal with Satan he’s milking, so yeah that’s a concern) but more with him simply being a schmuck. I mean just look at Focus-was that stupid lip-chewing and pained/constipated expression for 90ish mins

Damn right, I’m just gonna stick with my original-loose hinges, trigger-junk, traditional PPK size and all. Now if only I could get my hands on a vintage Soundwave for less than the GDP of a small country...

Fascinating story, thanks Karen.

Do I have to put up the ‘missing the point’ gif again?

There really is no talking to some people. You almost had a proper big people conversation there, let me know when you’ve finished eating your crayons, I’d like to see how that discourse would have turned out.

It would have to be replaced after Batpunches, even if he was especially bitey. Mr J (well, I would have thought-this one may have different/skewed motivations) wouldn’t ever have the forethought to get them so he could get extra bitey, he’d just go biting things/people...

You have to admit, and accept that you’ve breached a contract and/or the law.

I’m not being hyperbolic when I say I actually checked if it was April Fools. I verified the hell out of this article, thinking it couldn’t possibly be real. I’m reminded of this article:

I’m not disagreeing necessarily, but dat grill tho...

If you want to have this out in graphic form, here’s a nice one courtesy of everyone’s favourite lightly incestuous princess:

I’ve remixed CD’s (back in the days that was a marketable thing and actually the reason I was an early adopter with burners), I’ve enjoyed fan edits/re-cuts of movies, I’ve modded (both by my own implementation and downloaded) many games and applications and will continue to do all of these things when it suits me as

This could be this year’s Max Payne

Freejack but less crappy?