
Not sure how this qualifies for anything to even consider watching, let alone ‘geek out’ over. Good try though.

As long as there is a reasonable process of evaluation and not some random just waving about the banhammer, I have no major issue with it and it will very rarely become an issue anyway.

Speaking of insufferable...Quit while you’re not completely behind.

Counterpoint-stop being a whiny little bitch and eat elsewhere. It’s not the greatest or the worst takeaway food available and nothing you say will bring down their company or change the majority of opinions from this little corner of the interwebs. Clever graphic though.

Until now, I had never vomited and laughed at the same time.

That’s a shame, it’s arguably the best of the lot.

Metro can be edited either from the page (make a custom style) of from a companion application (or by hand if you’re savvy)-the accent and most other options can be whatever you like, it’s very easy to fiddle with so I’d be surprised if there’s not plenty of room to tweak with that one as well.

Feels a little too bright, I’ll stick with Metro for now. Nice though.

That’s a fair assessment, on the proviso that you have a more interesting and useful invention or achievements in a field of study that makes his irrelevant, otherwise sit down while the grown ups talk.

Obvious exception being young kids who have not yet had the chance to learn these facts on their own.

You mean to tell him how awesome his work is and let him get back to it after a well deserved fist bump/high five?

I don’t mind the boy using the interwebs but I have been purposefully mispronouncing a handful of words through his early years to see if they take. Much to my partner’s chagrin, he now pops into a mildly British sounding pronunciation of ‘garage’ whenever I can get him to say it.

That’s where you start to blur the line between trolling and stupid though.

It’s there for a reason people.

Geez, slow down pal. Your outrage is admirable and all that but where is your disgust about the other stories? What if you found out that the very same troll was responsible for one of the other stories but that was ok since it didn’t reference something on your arbitrary emotional ‘nope’ list? Have some compassion

Yep, pretty much the ‘wtf is this shit’ reaction I had after reading that one. The rest weren’t too bad.

lanoiredev. I kek’d.

First thing I thought of, too lol

Other than the fact that you have a yellow (I mean, what the shit, pal? It looks like a damn shortbus lol) hummer (a bit cumbersome and not the first brand that comes to mind when I think ‘fun and/or useful utility vehicle’ but whatever), yeah he just sounds butthurt.

Alrighty, upgrade me from depressingly worried to cautiously optimistic now. They aren’t flogging the silly ‘F4ntastic’ 90’s thing the whole ‘hacker Doom’ doesn’t look like it will be a big part before they get into beating the superpowered piss out of each other...