
Well that was when do we see the trailer? It’s not worth watching till it’s in game footage, amirite?

You’re possibly right there, I guess it’s just written poorly given the earlier reference.

You’re possibly right there, I guess it’s just written poorly given the earlier reference.

Well my take is that it was going to be a case of charging for what we weren’t aware was actually on-disc DLC but now with this coming to light, they’re going to look like asses if they charge so hopefully it’ll come free or in some other way later on so they can cry ‘testing or whatever before they went live’ and

Tyrannicon tries to recreate Michael’s 80s fantasy.

Then buy that DLC and show em who’s boss lol

He has a cold. He’s also sometimes mistaken for a woman.

See, now all too often I forget to use someone’s handle to make fun of them and hate myself when I notice something exploitable after. It’s kinda like when you’re wearing a funny shirt and someone starts laughing at you and you’re about to say ‘Screw off, asshat’ then you realize you’re wearing a funny shirt.

Step, step, step...'click'

I think you meant 'sploooosh'.

Agreed. The only real part of this to be annoyed at is the lack of protection on both her and their part. Both sides are idiots there-no balloon, no party.

I’d certainly use them on my boy (were he old enough to be even in earshot of the room when I’m playing this), as I’d expect he’d use them right back cos it’s all in fun, there’s no subtext here. My friends and I have been making a point of it for years. Lighten up, pal-you’re a bit dark for a sweetness-and-light

Also, unless it's already been posted, there's another Origin Humble Bundle (with some available on Steam as well) currently.

Also, unless it's already been posted, there's another Origin Humble Bundle (with some available on Steam as well)

Yep, sure. Satire. Mkay.

Dammit people, this is why they feed us shit as consumers-cos every chance we get, we seem to gobble it up and ask for more.

I’m a little concerned about blades slipping between those chest panels and kevlar isn’t entirely stab proof but it’s still impressive and contains designs already proven by the military (although they reject them for everyday use due to the cost, people are cheaper to replace lol) which, provided they’re all original

Wow, thanks for the spoiler in the recommended articles part about people burning. Classy.

I shall allow this entertaining yet shameless plug since you’ve been busy putting out a bunch of stuff so far today that’s been much more relevant than the usual weekend fare, good job and hope you come back often.

It’s only not an issue with her kids because she’s straight and they’re both girls lol