
I’d certainly use them on my boy (were he old enough to be even in earshot of the room when I’m playing this), as I’d expect he’d use them right back cos it’s all in fun, there’s no subtext here. My friends and I have been making a point of it for years. Lighten up, pal-you’re a bit dark for a sweetness-and-light

Also, unless it's already been posted, there's another Origin Humble Bundle (with some available on Steam as well) currently.

Also, unless it's already been posted, there's another Origin Humble Bundle (with some available on Steam as well)

Yep, sure. Satire. Mkay.

Dammit people, this is why they feed us shit as consumers-cos every chance we get, we seem to gobble it up and ask for more.

I’m a little concerned about blades slipping between those chest panels and kevlar isn’t entirely stab proof but it’s still impressive and contains designs already proven by the military (although they reject them for everyday use due to the cost, people are cheaper to replace lol) which, provided they’re all original

I shall allow this entertaining yet shameless plug since you’ve been busy putting out a bunch of stuff so far today that’s been much more relevant than the usual weekend fare, good job and hope you come back often.

It’s only not an issue with her kids because she’s straight and they’re both girls lol

It seems to be mostly a TF2 hat thing. I've used to have a bunch of rares and it got so bad (multiple requests daily) I sold or gave away anything of value. Everyone else I know with even a couple of rares will see this on a weekly/fortnightly basis it seems.

It kills me when people come up with these ideas for fan films-no matter how clever and impressive the effects are for their budget or how interesting and original the idea is or how high quality the costumes and props are, the acting almost always blows and takes a big chunk of the fun out of it. :/

Well that was more or less what I expected, thanks. Oh, I don’t care in the slightest about any of that pedo crap actually being a likely side effect (I do honestly wonder about anyone that watches wrestling with the level of fandom and fervor that typically seems to occur, but that’s a fascination I have about most

At the risk of sounding crass, that’s fucking impressive work.

I’m surprised it’s up to 100 so soon as well, but that’s probly cos it’s a great segment and I’m still puzzled why it hasn’t been done to death already by somewhere else.

As long as you’re not one of the legion that keeps trying to add me on steam for my pile of rares, yes.

Thankyou. I knew that if I stuck it out, someone would actually tire out and give a realistic and clearheaded take on it. Instead of shouting ‘Yeah? Well your face is the one who’s dumb!’ as 99% of the people here did at any form of dissent or even questioning. You took a step back and showed that you understand it

How can someone that blatantly admits they aren’t ashamed of engaging in such a socially disruptive practice, potentially leading to a slippery slope of predatory behavior speak about others who have no check on their perceived dangerous behaviors or self awareness?

When I first saw her I thought she was supposed to be Christie’s daughter or something so yeah, they need to put in a little more work here.

I’ve never been inclined to play the sims until this moment.

Before I start, I’d like to say I’m sure that Phimuskapsi is a probably a perfectly nice person and valuable member of society and our forums.

Part of the problem, huh? Well we've already got too many of those on both sides so yeah, I'd really like to see you do it again, but this time try not to fuck it up for everybody.