
Your assumptions about my hipster-cred notwithstanding, your choice of quotes clearly shows a reasonable amount of contempt for what you consider the ‘class’ of people that enjoy these lowest denominators of entertainment and products, in the name of saying ‘Why shouldn’t we enjoy guilty pleasures?’, while I ask ‘Why

While a certain level of psychological harm is bound to be a side effect when denigrating someone’s interests and lifestyle, I like to take into account the greatest good-will the person/s potentially being harmed by my comments possibly in turn harm other people less, in this case reducing an instinct to

True, however...

I don't believe that particular point was ever strictly articulated, but if that's your preferred trigger, best of luck to ya. I did mention I didn't agree with the way he made the point but the point itself that there are a lot of dangerous stereotypes and myths perpetuated about 'expected behaviors' in relationships

That's it? That was you big 'burn' comeback?

Of course a retard joke, given the subject-it's always important to know your audience.

Wow, you wrestling fans are fun. I mean, the irony of being easily entertained by other people who are easily entertained isn't lost on me, but I just didn't realize how vehemently you need to defend such an expendable genre.

On what grounds? The delivery wasn't terribly smooth, but the point was valid-neither side or set of genitals are 'deserving' of anything. All of the things that people will do to each other must be mutually agreed and consented-nobody said that either penises or vaginas were owed any attention, oral or otherwise so

I think that sentence has a couple of grammatical errors.

Pay your tribute and be away with you before the rest of the rabble try to get in on the action.

SyFy, like Kotaku, has no place running wrestling articles disguised as relevant content. Both should stay in their lanes.

I agree, you should always let your freak flag fly, just take your simple-to-the-point-of-being-confused-with disabled 'entertainment' with you and run it up a flagpole someplace else. Leave the gaming talk to the grownups and go play with your musclemen in the backyard.

Think what you want, sweetie. Now do you want me to pack an extra fruit cup or you going to trade with the other kids again today? Don't forget your helmet and hurry along now, you'll be late for the short bus.

Oh I do like a good old 'Well I'm cleverer than you so ner', thanks for that. Somehow, as a wrestling fan, I think you've always been predisposed to giggling at farts but having read my original comment, to someone as intellectually proficient as you purport to be (with the aid of wikipedia, if your understanding of

That works for me-you stop doing silly things and I'll stop foolishly trying to talk you out of doing them.

Any excuse to attempt the defense of indefensible mindlessness, huh?

Any excuse for a wrestling article, huh?

Considering every current phone OS I'm aware of will auto expand to multiple messages when you exceed the char limit, that's a silly argument. Twitter's popularity is extra surprising when you consider that its biggest features are based in steps backward from most other messaging platforms, technologically speaking.

Did it ever? Any way for people to immediately and easily post any inane thought they might have is a bad idea and it's unfortunate that this is the way we need to learn but so be it-as long as everybody gets the message and starts not caring about being on or reading the crap on twitter.

Yep, more people imprisoned, that's what's needed. Never mind the costs associated with that in addition to what they've already cost with the swatting. Also, you actually feel that it's a life term offense? Imagine what message that sends to the multiple murderer in the bunk above them and the serial rapist next door?