Ah, exclusives. The only thing more annoying than paying to unlock on-disc DLC.
Ah, exclusives. The only thing more annoying than paying to unlock on-disc DLC.
I got more of an Adon vibe, personally.
She then turns to me and says, "I was in the shade a moment ago, but now I'm in the sun. Is the sun going to continue to change position all day?"
If the winner wasn't so damn good I might have said this one was robbed lol
Ew, but very clever. Maybe not a winner but close.
He had a troubling overabundance of them way before then but that was probably his 'rock bottom' moment. Fortunately, the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Oh don't get em wrong-as I said elsewhere above I don't hate his work (and FWIW I think Bay is heading into Cecil B. DeMille territory and sometimes enjoys being awful for the sake of it), it's just such a distraction and immersion breaker to have an unrealistic and superfluous effect coming up every time people are…
Tired of the optically incomprehensible lens flare or the jokes about the optically incomprehensible lens flare?
I'm not saying he's a bad director (not my fave but he's not terrible either) but that stupid habit of his that everyone seems to sploosh over for some unfathomable reason renders his films intermittently annoying and makes him come off like a first year film student that just discovered post effects.
I'll get tired of making it right after he learns not to shine a torch in my face every time someone tries to have a conversation in one of his films.
I'm just gonna jump on the Cosby thing for a sec, so again, hold on to your butts (less ironically thing time): A woman comes out and says she was raped by a celebrity-don't mistake surprise and needing a second to realign the image of a public figure when there is a whole industry built around slinging shit at…
Here comes an unpopular opinion then-non tipping by default countries are more civilized.
I'm interested, but that style just turns me right off. It feels slick but dumbed down at the same time-and those faces. OMGWTFBBQ those horrible faces.
If it's within the T&C's of wherever they're streaming, then fair play. Carry on being butthurt if you must, whiny people-but until they break the rules, you're just making yourselves look foolish and/or wasting air.
The SkyCaliber water slide is opening next year at New Jersey's Action Park. It features a 45-foot vertical drop that leads you into a 360-degree loop. Nope.
That's what I mean-you knew it was dark/tragic even then. I'm surprised this comes as a surprise to anyone, frankly.
Really? I didn't think they were anywhere near as bad, to each their own I spose. I'd happily watch every hunger games back to back 2x before I watch twilight again lol
Yeah that sucks, I would have been happy to turn up after the title and synopsis but after reading the first scathing (albeit amusing) IMDB user review...
You may have misread my comment lol but by the same token, it's a pretty emotionally draining experience to sit through such a horrific assault on cinematic decency, so if people aren't the crying type I get it but at the very least you have to get a little nauseous ;)
Oh let me be clear-she was hot. I'm average looking but I've never been so hard up that I would do that to myself without some sort of major payoff lol