
No argument there but it doesn't have to be portable only, and now that I've had a taste of the good life with MH3 it seems almost cruel to take it away again. I'm not saying it doesn't run well on the 3DS, it's just that it'd also run fine on Wii and even better on WiiU and I'm a big screen guy.

While all those points are valid, I'm gonna just go ahead and stick my fingers in my ears while shouting 'LALALALALALA' to drown out the sound of things that upset me lol

No argument there but it doesn't have to be, and now that I've had a taste of the good life with MH3 it seems almost cruel to take it away again.

While all those points are valid, I'm gonna just go ahead and stick my fingers in my ears while shouting 'LALALALALALA' to drown out the sound of things that upset me lol

Just cos it's common doesn't mean it's for everyone-we've seen that the 3DS and Wii have similar hardware capabilities so it's not an unrealistic idea. If I was someone that had time to devote to portables/was happy with that screen size and resolution then it wouldn't be an issue, but I would think it's safe to say

Don't ruin this for me. I have to believe we live in a world where they don't just throw away the reason to buy a whole generation of consoles and leave us with no new MH. There's a lot of us that consider something like MH4 on a 3DS sized screen a complete waste of potential and I can only assume they don't like

Mmm, QTEs. The only thing worse than platform exclusives and genocide.

Tips for MH4 on 3DS

So I'm stupid for questioning some's motives or support of a business model? If that's your attitude to questions, never work in the education system. You may not like the use of a meme but the point is valid-either they were taking the piss and endorsing a product that is grossly mis-labelled as a 'game' (this isn't

This would be much funnier if it didn't also fill me with despair that somewhere, right now a moron is either currently complaining to a server about it or even worse, having it published in a new age diet book somewhere.

Brilliant is subjective. New is fair in this case, but it's certainly not an improvement on previous game styles-automating common tasks is one thing but automating the entire game does not a game make. You wanna make an interesting alarm clock app? Go for it, but don't dress it up and pretend it's more than it is.

Not sure if trolling, or just stupid.

Call me a big hippie liberal if you like but you can't actually see anything that could be considered genitalia so it's kosher and certainly no more troubling than the cover of any guns and ammo or whatever so carry on.

Teaching them to manage their time correctly is the key here-I don't agree with the whole 'if they started 5mins before bed, let them play through then ground them or something' idea though. If they think that's gonna stop me kicking them off, then it's a teachable moment and they're about to learn that that shit

I thought 'sure, I'll give it a look', grabbed that and the metal music wad and figured I'd just have a quick go. It's 2ish hrs later and I'm horribly addicted to Doom again.

sweetie, you are literally so out of line it's fucking unbelievable. i could drag you so hard right now but i know you'll just end up crying. i've roasted you before and you know it. chances are you'll just say i bullied you because you're gay and have different skin. talk shit get hit, you don't wanna mess with

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed