
Sadly, I'm used to a far better class of troll-nothing you're saying hasn't been used before and is simply low quality bait. You may as well post the navy seal or so cash at this point lol

Let's recap:


I'd like to see a proper comparison article, that's a bold claim indeed.

Well it's either that or the scary version-a room full of writers thought this was quality work that they felt was ready to be shown to the public, with their real names attached.

Can you sue them for defamation or something? I mean I know, free publicity and all that, but it just feels dirty.

But someone at MS worked really hard on that download tool, I felt bad for them.

You're really just lonely and bored, aren't ya? Well, against my better judgment I'll keep you company if nobody else will. So what did you learn at school today?

I almost wish they'd go patent trolling-I think they'd have the public sentiment on their side at the very least.

Well, you're clearly a potato but at least your name is accurate, both in delivery and indication of adolescence. Please, do go on.

That's racist.

Pretty sure we would have seen the blue hands guys again, but you know, cancellations and all that so not sure that's a fair addition.


Not particularly but was actually making a point about the common attitude I've noticed from chrome uuuuseeeerrs.

Way to sorta get involved? Which bit are you taking fuck's name in vain for?


That's some concentrated butthurt right there. No customisation is false, meaning UI arguments are out and is personal pref anyway. SE choice, ads can be disabled and we're not talking about the OS, so that's out. Business model isn't the point here, so that's out.

I'll do my best to keep it going, hang on a bit lol

That is true-if your system was capable of using them for sustenance, it would be very handy.