
I thought they went a bit heavy early on with Tomb Raider (agreed though, that reboot is definitely one of my all time faves), and it was a lot more fun once they settled down into the story and let the gameplay keep us busy. If they really must have them (which they don't, but I guess it's just a fact of gaming life

The weakest video game moments are QTEs

I'm glad for her sake she had her shit together. IMHO she's not always right but she wasn't wrong here and if it gets the right attention, I feel this may help things along cos I'm sick of this already. Amirite?

Hey I'm not sayin it wasn't funny but I definitely felt there were others just that were just as clever with the addition of having the effort put in to make the joke work visually. Diff'rent strokes and all that, I just don't see it as a winner-I may be taking 'shop contest too literally perhaps, but I would have

Clever moon ref but lazy shoop. Far more deserving winners were looked over IMHO-it seems to be that the snappy ideas often do well while the quality work goes wanting.

The only reason I even have a console in the house is for driving games and RPGs so now that I've moved most of that to PC I've been using the 360 controller for ease of setup/compat even though I prefer the Sony design. My main reason for using the 360 cont is the same as your issue-!@#$ing QTEs (which need to go

Remind me again why anyone would want to use twitter? Until they put in some sort of delay or 'are you sure you want to release something this poorly thought out/stupid to the world?' challenge before posting, ppl should just delete their accounts in a global effort to not chip away at our collective intelligence any

Mmmmkay, so if we throw on a texture pack that has the guy doing all this stuff to criminals, zombies, mutants, robots or whatever, it's just fine? Nuh-uh. Either everything is fine or nothing is fine-we don't get to pick and choose who it's acceptable to be violent to-violence is violence. When you take a step back

Last time I saw it, it was the complete reversal of the US-nobody gets uptight or worries about political correctness and nobody takes themselves too seriously while still respecting each other. Would live in if they close the UK/10

So, you just went with 'no, you are' essentially, huh? lol who says I'm being bothered? I spend a lot of my day conversing with lesser beings so this is just extra practice and it's easy enough to be almost entertaining. The scary version is if your math is to be believed, you're at least 30 and possibly closer to 40

If you can play it on PC, do that. It's far more enjoyable imho and looks fantastic for its age.

That was helpful, actually. I've already thoroughly enjoyed the original on PC so I'll probly wait till the next steam sale for the supermegahyper edition, muchas gracias!

It's easier when you don't suck at it, I expect.

Holy balls, you really are 12, aren't ya? Otherwise you've only been on the internet for about 30-35 mins...If that blew your skirt up, here's another golden oldie. Enjoy!

Yeah, figured that'd do it for you. I was gonna throw in a dick or fart reference but wasn't sure if you're pretending to be highbrow this week or not so I skipped it and went with the classics.

1080p is like sex and air-they're not that big a deal unless you're not getting any...

Well, I'm sure it's not up to your usual high standards but, ok. *Ahem*

Hmmm, well everybody I know gets my humour and I get theirs so I'm going to presume your friends are also somewhat intellectually challenged too. Shame, I was hoping there was somebody in your circle that wasn't from the shallow end of the gene pool but guess you'll have to do for now :/ Aww, did you think I just play

Hahaha oh wow, you really just googled SHA-256 didn't ya? Intellectual exercises are always fun if you don't find them difficult, otherwise I'll end up making dick and fart jokes like this hilariously beta 12 year old I keep getting these messages from recently lol

Thankyou for something that wasn't a repost.