
Not really. Plus, true to form, it's fresh from reddit.

while occasionally I might get the urge to climb a mount that's irrelevant to the plot (hello, GTA V), I just usually prefer a more focused experience. I'm not keen on devs creating distractions willy nilly, and also I probably just played some other game in which I could walk to anything I could see.

It's hardly a new thing, we used to call this 'bleeping sickness' when you had auditory hallucinations of the bleepbloop sounds from old Atari games etc. after any particularly long session (which was most of them).

Now, if he meant 'pussified' in the sense that society in general is too easily offended and spends far too much time trying to be politically correct then I'd be on board, but since he's an extremist, you shouldn't even cover it. No, before you start in the with the complaints, not even in the usual feminist

I'm not telling people how to feel in any situation- I am telling society to get over it and let these people either move on or not on their own terms, stop walking on eggshells and just do things the way we want to, not the way that political correctness tells us we should. The single shared complaint they have


I know people who suffered losses during Sep 11 and had seen this poster without the event crossing their mind. What they did notice (and were upset by) were people being overly senstive and making connections between the two things. It's not a question of empathy-if you can't move on from something after a decade

Actually, I made a point to think your comment in its entirety before answering, and my reply covers it-it's not about empathy and I clearly don't think they deserve any backlash over this either. Our difference is that I also go further to suggest that there shouldn't be any discussion here about anything other than

No. People need to move on. Making people paranoid of certain dates, imagery and references is exactly what they intended-loss of life and mass disruption/fear. Sure, it sucked but time to move on and get back to normality and stop being so afraid to just do and say the things everyone used to.

No argument there, they matter a whole lot, especially with this but there's just not a lot of excuse for it to look like a game that's almost a decade old. I'm starting to think someone over at Fox has a genuine grudge against Whedon/Firefly to license this with the work they've shown so far. Great IP with huge

Makes me very worried that is not holding up and being beaten to death atm. Good thing it's moving to steam I spose but still not a good sign...

Obvious troll is obvious but still made me mad so well played. Die in a fire/10.

Watch your damn kids and put away *your* damn toys. I have a house full of properly stored non-kids-nose-mouth-and-intestinal-tract-safe stuff and have had zero swallowing related accidents.

My thoughts exactly-they might wanna call a lawyer or something.

All I need now is a femshep and my default team will be complete, after which I will gaze upon the tattered, smoking remains of my wallet and sob quietly.

Now that, my friends, is an insult. Top marks.

Dammit, I thought you'd finally worked out how to use it-it's got nothing to do with sexuality. You can be gay or straight, that's irrelevant-just don't be a faggot. Lurk moar.

Did you really just have an 'I'm taking it back' moment with the word faggot?

I'm not a faggot who chills on reddit all day, I'm a faggot who may as well chill on reddit all day. #unnecessaryslur