
I'm gonna call clickbait on your title, but it led to a very interesting point by Crash_Recovery so imma let it slide. Gr8b8m8 8/8.

I think you're onto something there-even if that wasn't the original intention (surely it would have been mentioned by now?) it sure fits. That said, even if there was another name, I'd never change it now. Link is Link, Cloud is Cloud and so on.

I suppose if it was just one or two of these it wouldn't be a tragedy, however it's very rarely just one or two of them-it's usually all of them because (with some exceptions, obviously) if you're the sort of person that thinks one or two are ok, then the rest seem to follow. I have no problem with the phone on the


It goes without saying that this might be (and probably is) entirely made up. There's literally no evidence other than a Craigslist posting, so yes, shout "FAKE" all you want, internet people — we're already well aware.

That's surprisingly close to my old rig, and I used to get the 1100t to 4.1 at 1.56V with a Noctua (can't remember model) but if you're just starting, always work your way up and lurk OCAU/toms/ for advice etc.

PC Name: Deepthought

lol you 'gun enthusiast' types are equal parts hilarious and exhausting to deal with-no wonder the legislation keeps getting roadblocked-after hours of going round and round with no compromise, the dems are probly going 'oh screw it, just keep shooting each other, if you could try and keep it amongst yourselves and

Supposing for a second that your argument about economic status and education causing violence and murder wasn't preposterous, what's more dangerous-an uneducated poor person or an uneducated poor person with almost unregulated access to firearms? If guns aren't the problem, then why not regulate them so only the

Creating a situation where you have a largely unchecked and poorly regulated civilian arms race in order to protect yourself could also be considered foolish...

So you do agree it lowers gun violence-isn't that enough reason to properly regulate sales in that industry? Legitimate owners won't be affected in any major way and it will reduce/stop untracked purchases.

Better (or any) gun control begets less violent crime, requiring less 'home defense' weaponry and the extremely dismaying idea of having a culture that could actually find themselves in a 'find my gun emergency'.

No, the other is designed explicitly for killing. Much healthier.

I've got spawn and I would prefer he played with a dildo over a gun 10 out of 10 times. I wouldn't actually encourage it or go buy him one, but he doesn't have any gun related toys either. It may come from being in a country that is substantially less gun crazed or that he simply has other things to do but I'm not

Leave Michael Bay Alone, Transformers Is Awesome

Next Car Game for me and yeah they should have thrown in another minute or 2 of quiet time to really make it a challenge for the really short attention span afflicted out there...

I'm getting a real cheesy/guilty pleasure vibe off this.

Kinda, I'm happy with the 4S and have resisted upgrading for a while, now that I'm getting used to the 5S I'll get that now before Apple goes all 'phablet' too :/

I'm impressed as shit and am going to go do this right now.